Monday, April 24, 2006

Too tired. Something with crush in it. Clever.

Hey there. Let me apologize as I am very, very tired from the double whammy of working out and hockey. Why I did this is a mystery. Ok... not so much as mystery as a result of my not knowing what day it is. Apparently it's Monday. Not a day to exert myself unnecessarily, but I'm somewhat rejuvenated by my new Ruttin' Crush of the Gorram Week. How so? Well I think Michael Rapaport* said it best in (another Natalie Portman movie) Beautiful Girls:

[Crushes] are beautiful girls... A beautiful girl can make you dizzy, like you've been drinking Jack and Coke all morning. She can make you feel high; full of the single greatest commodity known to man - promise. Promise of a better day. Promise of a greater hope. Promise of a new tomorrow. This particular ore can be found in the gait of a beautiful girl. In her smile, in her soul, the way she makes every rotten little thing about life seem like it's going to be okay. The [crushes], [fair readers]? That's all they are. Bottled promise. Scenes from a brand new day. Hope dancing in stiletto heels.**

Enough referential ridiculousness. Time to get down to fake business.

Nombre: Morena Baccarin.

Bonus de encantos: She's Brazilian. I don't know why that's so great. But I keep seeing beautiful women and finding out where they're from and the answer is invariably "Brazil." The country seems to have the opposite effect of the "brain drain" going on. Brain drain being the effect of smart people leaving their home countries to come to America. Well they have a full scale "model/actress drain" going on. Herself being a small, but lovely, part of the movement.

Not to mention her name means "brunette" in Spanish. Not especially imaginative of her parents, but it works. Because she's brunette. As you can see. Don't look at me like that, some of you wondered. And all other things aside, she replaced Rebecca Gayheart who foolishly didn't take part in Firefly. I'm all for keeping Rebecca Gayheart from acting in my TV shows. I think Earth 2 should be example enough for everyone on that front.

Bonus de Guapo: Technically 'guapo' translates as 'good looking' or 'ladies man' (not to mention brave) but I think we can reasonably infer that this word is the closest Spanish can come to a translation of Scott Gresham. Anyway, I give her points for being only one third as stuck up as she seemed to be based on her Firefly commentaries. Bully for her.

- Scott

* Excellent last name.
** Damn Taking Back Sunday for using this in their lame song. I would have used it anyway. It's a great monologue, which I came to independently from your single. And also damn the collective 'you' for trying to pilfer my Sunday. I took it fair and square. You and your shitty band can write a song about *that*. And don't include any monologues from movies I might someday quote.