Monday, April 10, 2006

Crush into me, love.

So, this week's entry is likely to stir controversy. I'm fine with this. You can't deny our love any longer! I don't care what the government says! In just four days the lovely lady featured on this week's edition of Scott's Illicit Crush o' the Week will be officially "of age." At least in Illinois. I'll save you some time and the math: on Saturday, April 15, 2006 Emma Watson will be, drumroll please: 17 years old.

"But Scott, doesn't she have to be eighteen?" I'm glad you asked, voice in my head. I was worried about that too. So I checked it out on my handy pocket index of legal ages of consent. Then I found it online so people can check for themselves. The law, supporting my perfectly legal and honest hooking up with Emma Watson endeavour*, is as follows: "whereas the accused is 17 years of age at the time of the p..." you know, just check out this chart. And click here for the full law.

Now, down to brass tacks:

Name: Emma "Hermione" Watson

Charm Bonus: Umm, chello? She's freaking Hermione. Which means English. Which means hot. And her in that field of invitingly soft grasses and flowers? Come on. Not to mention, only a minor for five more days. Better act fast Tim, she's not going to interest you much longer.

Scott Bonus: Because she's the birthday girl, and I pretty much let beautiful women do whatever they want here on the Wonder Blog, I'm going to be giving her a new picture everyday until her birthday. So keep your eyes open for that. I've got some winners lined out.

- Scott

*Intentionally British spelling, you know, for her sake.


  1. of what Scott? was that only one scrap? I know you can do it. One for the Gipper.

  2. Scott, so is she from the UK? In which case the age of consent would be 16? If you go to her, you play by her rules.

  3. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Hey...I dressed up as her for halloween this year. And I'm of hehe... :)

  4. This is the kind of thing you should tell me! I would have SO been there. You know I have a spare Harry Potter outfit just lying around.

    - Scott

  5. Anonymous11:10 PM

    I take that was last year because it was at the Droste's. And by the way...I know someone who's grossly interested in younger women....i should tell him to look up Emma Watson. I'm sure she'd be of some interest to him...ha.

  6. Yeah yeah, Emma's great, more pictures, whatever.

    Let's talk about your sidebar for a second. What's your beef with the Eragon teaser? Jeremy Irons? Joss Stone? The fact that the director has done nothing but supervise visual effects in past movies? (I predict the film will look great, but the acting will be wooden. You might even call it Lucas-ian.)

    Seriously though, what's your beef?

  7. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Your 'Crush of the week' thing really gets these guys going, doesn't it? Especially Tim, who is demonstrating quite the bellicose attitude today. Tim, maybe you have a beef of your own (or a missing car cover)?
    Grade A(my) Woman

  8. Anonymous6:40 PM

    honesty...she's 15!

  9. She's 16, and on Saturday she'll be 17. I'll thank you not to taint our love!

  10. Anonymous4:38 PM

    dude, i thought she was turning 16 not 17...r u sure?
