Thursday, August 25, 2005

As I promised...

Being a man of my word I felt I had to come through on the pictures. Why are you laughing?! I'm serious! I'm totally a man of my word. It just has to be a serious word. Most of the time I don't mean what I say. In fact, I've come to the conclusion that in general I don't mean what I say. I say it, then later on decide if I want to mean what I just said. It's a bit of a retroactive decision. Unless I'm giving my word. In that case it's premeditated. Like I said, doesn't happen all that often. So be glad. And enjoy the pictures.

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In the larger picture you can clearly see the impact point in the upper right hand side of the window. In the inset you can see that the cracking inexplicably spread to EVERY PORTION OF THE GLASS. Science is still boggling over it.

I've got another post lined up, but I haven't finished the visual aids, so this is all you get for today. Hope you like it.

- Scott


  1. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Good job scotty. even i haven't done that much damage on anything :S haha peace out

  2. Glad you all enjoy. I think the photos really drive it home. I was demnonstrating to Tim how unlikely it was to happen on one of the windows at my apartment complex and it made quite possibly the worst sound a rock hitting a window can make without breaking. I then decided to quit pushing my luck, I mean there has to be a better way of exercise.

    - Scott

  3. Nell-Nell, welcome to the blog. I assume you got here through that surly pixie of the interwebs, Wendyloo Peterson? In any case, I'm glad to hear that protest of cinema commercials is on the rise. I intend to start a t-shirt marketing campaign. Just as soon as I get some capital, and some interest in actually doing it.

    For now? Onto the next post!

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Posted by Evan Derkacz at 7:55 AM on August 30, 2005. So you forgot to mention the Fag Hating part, eh? Blog Tools What I'm whispering to you is true; no need to check.
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  5. I normally delete spam, but that last one is so hilarious I think I'll keep it. There's an old expression my grand pappy used to use in reference to things like that. I believe it was 'D3wd WTF?'

    - Scott

  6. Surly pixie?!

    Hmm... yes, I like that.
