Monday, March 27, 2006

Watch a heel crush, crush.

I had to Google for the lyrics, I thought they were "Watchin' Neil crush, crush" which would have been a better title. Oh well. You get the picture. It's time for the famous Crush o' the Week segment here at Bufford the Wonder Blog.

Name: This week's lucky lady is Anne Hathaway.

You know her from: That annoying Disney movie that you watched anyway. Actually, those three annoying Disney movies you watched anyway (Princess Diaries 1 y 2, Ella Enchanted).

Charm Bonus: She's from New Jersey. I know last week's was geographic as well, but I just have a thing for Jersey girls. I blame Garden State. They're all like that right? Although there is that shirt... I might have to rethink that one. How about this: she's naked in Havoc. Eh? Eh? No? Ok, she's got the same name as Shakespeare's wife. Now that's actor-ey.

Scott Bonus: I've decided that she's just too sultry to reduce down to 175 pixels across, so from now on you can click the picture to see the original, uncompressed version. I'm swell.

- Scott


  1. I caught part of Ella Enchanted on HBO a little after I saw Brokeback Mountain and it was pretty funny because Anne was acting all innocent and I was thinking, "I've seen your boobies!"

    Yes, I'm that childish.

  2. I always thought that girl was lucky she never ran into me. I mean, she has to do anything I say? ...I'll be in my bunk.

    - Scott

  3. I'll be keeping Allyn away from this blog, perhaps continuing to keep her away, for that side of Ms. Hathaway would blow her mind. C'mon T, Ella Enchanted? I've never seen that, film snob.

  4. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Ok, I have to agree, you have another EXCELLENT pick for your Crush 'O The Week. Yes, I saw her in Princess Diaries (I missed the second one). Then most recently I saw Ms. Hathaway in Brokeback and was shocked (pleasantly) to see her nearly naked. Her previously inocent roles lead me to believe she wouldn't be in such scenes. NOW, your telling me she was already ready naked in another movie. I must see this Havok that you speak of.

    -Anonymous Rex

  5. Anonymous4:57 PM

    oh make me chuckle :)

  6. Ah that Ella Enchanted. Do you think they changed her name in the spanish versions? Because that essentially means "she". She Encantado. Yeah, that might be odd.

    Anyway, Josh, I think that's for the best. I wouldn't want Allyn's head to explode. And I can't even reconcile the image of her seeing the movie Havoc.

    Anonymous Rex, don't bother seeing Havoc. At least not for the movie aspects of it. Just your basic surbaban white girl wants to live the ghetto life so she tries to join a Latino gang in LA.

    J Fi, that's what we're here for. That and to look totally hot. But the hot thing is completely passive; it just happens.

    - Scott
