Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Ah maturity, thou elusive... thing.

Awesome title no? For someone who scored in the 94th percentile on the GRE's verbal and vocabulary portions it's wicked good. And stuff. However for all my verbal prowess, I'm somewhat mathematically gimped. It's not that I'm bad at it. The test confirmed that I solidly kick the crap out of a whopping fourteen percent of the population. I feel like Japanese (and let's face it, probably Mexican) school children are laughing at me right now.

But I'm laughing too. Why you ask. Have I had the time to watch some fantastic comedic television like The Office, Family Guy, or the later seasons of Touched By an Angel? No. Perhaps I've made it to a comedy show. Also no. The truth is I've been being incredibly immature. And I'm having a great time.

Example one:

At a play. A Flea in Her Ear. Not that the production I saw was bad, but the play itself is inherently ridiculous. Couple that with the fact that I passed out at the start of Act One only to reawaken at intermission... I didn't have the best go of it. However, I sobered up (it was Unofficial St. Patrick's Day) and watched the remaining two acts to catch this gem, "He's in there having a great time under the golden shower."

At which point I died laughing. All around me, silence. To which I reply "No one? No? Ok..." and slide down in my seat a little in an attempt to pass out again. I was a lovely theater goer that night.

Example deux:

Dyke Under Fire in BBC Online Row. No real need for explanation here. Although I was under the impression that this practice was stopped sometime after the middle ages. It's 2006 open your minds a little people.

Finally example three:

The riviting follow up story to "Their Back!" as seen below:

- Scott


  1. Anonymous1:50 AM

    that has to be a joke. Did they seriously do it twice?

    Good gravy.


  2. God bless you, Jersey County Star. God bless you.

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Why hello there.


  4. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I think that it's funnier that you live in such a small place that Bald Eagles make the front page of the paper not once but twice.

  5. Kery, they really just did it once and I messed up the actual title of the headline.

    Timmy, unusually stoic concerning The Star lately. Fond memories?

    Anon Deux, hi. How are you? Wait a second, just why the hell am I talking to myself?

    Anonymous Rex, I think that's funny too. Also the way you describe the place I live. "In such a small place." You make it sound like I live in the Smurf village.

    - Scott
