Sunday, March 12, 2006

Spring Fling

It's spring. Or it feels like it anyway. About time. Any more of that winter crap and I was going to stick somebody. Fortunately for everyone, I've seen OZ and I know I'm way too pretty to spend time in federal-pound-me-in-the-ass prision. So nobody's getting cut. But not only does spring mean a lessening of my sociopathic tendencies, it means good wind. Fantastically awesome wind in fact.

I care because good wind means I can jump 30-40 feet, and if I'm lucky, maybe get about 12-15 feet off the ground. Also it can mean I get to watch my friends and family members dragged across fields or maybe smashing into other family members. It's wicked hilarious. How do I accomplish this? Is this one of my latent mutant powers. Pfft. Like I'm going to blog about my mutant powers. It's a secret identity for a reason people. Maybe I should just show you:

Damn, I'm dashing.

If I look a bit nervous it's because that was taken on my first attempt, a very windy day. Hence my expression, and all the hockey equipment and shoes I have weighing down the kite while I get ready. I also wore the hockey stuff, so as not to be destroyed if I was lofted high into the air and thrown into trees. Because all over the packaging they basically tell you that you're going to die. Also on the kite surfing (which is what this kite is for) forums I read, they pretty much tell you that if it's your first time to have someone teach you, or you're going to die.

I got jerked around pleanty. But I learned. And now this season I'm graduating up to a larger kite. My current sail is 3 square meters. My next one is going to be 9. Which means I can fly it in less wind, or in the same wind with more dramatic results. Wish me luck.

- Scott


  1. Well, it's been nice knowing you, Scotty.

    Also, I heard the field behind the Women's Center is really good for kite-flying.

  2. Thanks Timmy. It's been nice knowing you too. And you're right, that is a great location for kite-surfing-kite flying... until the cops show up. Rob would have had a nice story to tell, however he is on spring break... the punk. Oh well, on to the next post.

    - Scott

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