Saturday, March 25, 2006

Snakes on a Blog

Ok, so I'm posting on this topic after it's become pretty established internet lore, but since we're going to start seeing trailers soon, I'd like to mention it before it becomes huge. Since last September or so I've been hearing rumors of a new Sam Jackson movie called "Snakes on a Plane." I couldn't believe it. Just by the name, I knew it was going to be the kind of movie I would be at the 12:00 showing for. But then some crazed netizens got wind of it and the whole thing just kind of exploded. The plot as you can guess, is that... wait for it... snakes, have been released on,that's right kids, a plane. Obviously to kill a mob informant. That goes without saying.

Hilarious enough. But then the nerds who got hold of the name started making promotional materials and it just spiraled out of all control. I think you'd better just see for yourself as words truly do it little justice.

I've already pre-ordered tickets.

Sam Jackson, living proof that type casting works.

One of my favorite fan posters.

My favorite part of this entire story is that New Line decided to shoot for five additional days after principal photography wrapped to bring the movie closer to what we're anticipating. They also bumped it to an R rating so that we get lines like "I want these motherfucking snakes off the motherfucking plane!" or "This is some ELABORATE shit!" and others culled from the fansites like this one. All in all, I think we're in for an interesting summer movie season, and if more film makers acquiesce to fan demands, an interesting period in film. If you'll excuse me I've got to check my car for mother f*cking snakes.

- Scott


  1. That's hilarious. I was just sharing the awesomeness that is "Snakes on a Plane" with Tara the night before you posted this. We're totally on board.

    We particularly enjoy how Sam Jackson is pretty much a parody of himself at this point, but he obviously knows it and is just going with it, so it's awesome.

    "Riki! Tiki! Motherf***ing Tavi!"

  2. Riki Tiki Tavi was a muskrat or mongoose or some varmint or another that starts with "m." So I don't get that line... Unless they're calling his spirit to combat the snakes? Sherlock Holmes would be a better bet in my opinion.


  3. The movie opens...

    Announcer (using Moviephone-guy voice): Snakes are different from us. They are cold-blooded while we are warm. They have no appendages to speak of, yet can cover a lot of ground in a short period of time. They are beautiful to look upon, but can be deadly. And they are both feared and revered around the world. They have been worshipped as gods, and have been exterminated as the tools of the Devil. Meanwhile, they go about their day to day lives trying only to survive and avoid their own nemesis -- the human race.

    Pan to Samuel Jackson holding large gun...

    SJ: Nemesis THIS, MOTHERF***ER!!!

    By the way, the ad with the snakes looking out the window made me laugh out loud. Bless you for making my Monday 100% better, O' Master of Hilarity.

  4. You don't recall:

    Rikki Tikki Tavi vs. The Cobras...

    Tsk, tsk...your 7th grade Lit teacher would be so disappointed.

  5. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I'm thinking the dialogue will go something like this:

    Captain: You have to get these damn snakes off of my plane now.
    SJ: And just how do you suggest I do that?
    Captain: I really don't care. Call Riki, Tiki, f*@&!^g Tavi if you have to. Just do it!
    SJ: Why don't you sit your a$$ down before I light saber it.

  6. Makes so much more sense if you say to call him.
    I do remember that story, that's why I was wondering why they said his name, since he wasn't the snake in it. Usually when I think of someone using the emeffer I think they must be fighting the thing/person they emeffed.
    I can't believe people will actually pay eight dollars for this. I'll see it in 4 years on TBS and thank my stars I earned that four extra cents by putting my money in savings.


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