Tuesday, November 29, 2005

It's been one week...

I can't think of more appropriate song lyrics. You know the song with the listing of things? Barenaked Ladies? A band that, much like Free Corndogs, changed their name to trick people into comming to their concerts. Which is a damned dirty trick, and as such I love it. I also like that the Barenaked Ladies now have nothing better to do than appear on VH1 "I love" series and Comedy Central Specials.

Anyway, the song lyrics, they're appropriate because it's been a friggin' week since I posted. That is just not acceptable. However you didn't miss much. I did get in some good hang time with old friends in town, but not nearly enough. This year continued the tradition of the Drunken Thanksgiving. I don't really think I had as good a time this year. Perhaps too drunk? That's something to think about for the next year. Maybe work out a formula for just exactly when to start drinking to be at my pique intoxication when we get to Mad Gab and Buzz Word.

I'll get on that. You enjoy this gem. I'm serious. If you've never followed a link I've laid down, now is the time to redeem yourself. It's amazing.

- Scott


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    So the question is, do you have a habit of loosing your shirt?

  2. I hate that song. But the fact its Family Guy makes it funny. Did you hear about the new Barenaked Ladies album that was released on a reuseable USB Flash Drive? Check out the Slashdot here.

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I did read about the BNL album on a USB stick. Have you seen it available anywhere other than through Nettwerk's website?

  4. Anonymous-rex, I've been enjoying your comments over the past week or so (especially one pointing me to a certain blog... even though I couldn't really read it without feeling creepy and stalkerish), but I need someone to attribute them to. Care to sign a name (or pseudonym at least) to your posts?

    - Scott

  5. Places to Order "BNL on a Stick"
    Amazon (kinda)

    Sorry, that's the only thing I really found.

  6. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Scott, It's been awhile since I have commented (and it's been a long time since you have posted), but I just wanted to let you know I'm still out here. Shameless way to get back on the elusive top 5 list? Perhaps. But I did go to the link, and I laughed out loud! The whole time it was "buffering" I was getting more and more nervous...so funny though!
    Grade A(my) Woman
