Monday, October 03, 2005

Quick Sunday Night Hilarity

H'ok. So I was trying in vein to find the podcast of my dear friend Jacob (which is suspiciously impossible to locate by any means) when I, in desperation, went to Google and tried his name along with Podcast. I also tried the name of his post "Voice of the Orange Belt". No dice. But, then thinking that Jacob wouldn't want his last name "Eyers" blasted around the internet, I went with his pseudonym "Jakey MacJake" and threw in "Podcast" to help narrow the field. Well... this is what I got.

I then laughed a ridiculous amount. Yes Google, I somehow mistyped Jackie MacJuke. Because that's so much more likely than Jakey MacJake. What was I thinking? Maybe it was this: I think, when I write my novel, I'm going to name my heroin (should there be one) Jakie MacJuke. The name is just too hilarious to pass up. I say this to Google. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!

- Scott


  1. My favorite part about all of this...
    Google suggestion of Jackie MacJuke doesn't have any hits either. It's like Google saying,

    "Oh God, Jakey McJake... That's a Good One!! Here, here... how about Jackie MacJuke?? Yeah, no hits for that one either... tell me about it!!!"

  2. Reason number 504 why Tim is cooler than Google.

  3. wow, that's awesome. IM me sometime, I'll send you the link.

  4. I IM you now! But you aren't online. What's with the elitism? Share the podcast with the entire interweb, spread the wealth.

    - Scott

  5. It's apparently somewhat secret, but some dude responded to my post on Jake's blog and gave me the link. It is:

    Haven't listened to it yet. Really don't even know what the heck it's about. But because it's Jake, I'm saying it sucks just out of spite.

  6. That's just the RSS feed. You have to put that into iTunes. I'll give it this review: the bit about the 13 year old was hilarious. Other than that, somewhat clerical. But he promises that the next one will be stella. I'm thrilled about it, because (when he isn't being duped into believing that it's just a demo) it'll have a slightly higher production value.

    One piece of advice: get a windsock or don't hit any hard P's.

    - Scott
