Thursday, October 20, 2005

Tacky Triad

Recently, I picked out a trend among some blogs I frequent. The subject: tacky things. Not that it was exactly addressed in this way, but that was the gist. The first was Tara D., she ranted on one of the words she loathes most be-boppin'. The second wave consisted of Wendyloo Pseudonym looking down her surly nose at fannypacks. And to this anti-tack I add my own voice. And that voice says: DOWN WITH WOLF SHIRTS!

You know what I mean. Wolf Shirts. Those graphic tees that rural women wear to the strip mall to look around and maybe pick up something at the Dollar Store to go with their new cowboy boots. And you even know the type I mean. Lives in the Mid-West but dresses like she's from an Indian reservation episode of Quantum Leap. Probably a bunch of "authentic" Navajo blankets thrown about her "rustic, log cabin on the inside" split level in the woods, filled with dream catchers and pine scented candles. Gaaah, just look:

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How the world sees us.

In keeping with this I have founded the A.W.W. Anti-Wolfshirt Worldwide. It needs to be worldwide because people in other countries don't quite get why it's so terrible. Like my beautiful Irish friend (an attractive Irish woman, and I'm not even drunk!) Our goal is to inform the whole planet, and eventually the galaxy. DOWN WITH WOLF SHIRTS!

...We expect bumperstickers shortly.

- Scott


  1. I've got to be honest. I didn't even read the post. I was too blown away by that amazing photoshop job to focus on the text for more than a few words. Seriously, to whomever made that... that guy is good. Damn Good.

  2. Being from Ohio, I see wolf shirts more often than I'd like--especially at county fairs. Admittedly I don't see them as much as I would if I were in southern Ohio. If we have time, can we also be anti white tiger shirts?

  3. yes.
    i am with you, scott. DWWS! sarah, i'm also from ohio - but columbus, so i mostly saw these gems when i left there.

    my favorite part of this is the text below the picture: "How the World Sees Us". Good gravy, is this true?


    I take your cause, Scotty, and I embrace it. No more graphics that should belong on a 1985 trapper keeper on the front of a shirt.

    Additionally, for a long time, I've had a similar cause, and that cause is to stop dreamcatcher earrings. Nearly every women's studies/art/hippydipp teacher I had wore them, and I'm here to say - it's time to stop.

  4. You want to know something horrible?
    The guy I was about to marry wanted a tattoo of that crap...


    (It was after we were apart that he showed me the picture of it. In retrospect, I shouldn't have talked him out of it, just for the sake of revenge...)


  5. Can I extend the cause to include not only wolves but also dragons, swords, and pretty much any other fantasy-esque graphic that consumes the entire front of a shirt? Because...come on. I like dragons as much as the next geek, but that's just too much dragon.

  6. You can never have too much dragon.
