Monday, October 10, 2005

Dad is going to disown me

Have you ever signed up for something and completely forgot about it? Like a mailing list, or a CD club, or the National Guard? And then did you ever not remember it for six years? Because the other six years ago, I did. I think a little exposition is in order.

*Exposition Fade Out Music*
*Nostalgic/Irreverant Voice Over*
I have a bit of a confession to make. I used to play EverQuest. I have a bigger confession to make. I once went to an EverQuest Convention. God help me, I once went to an EQ convention. I think it was there that I had this epiphany: "If I keep playing this, I am never going get laid, or even acknowledged by any female... ever." Seriously, looking around the room it was like these guys had been virgins for so long they completely forgot there was another sex. It's going to be hard to show you this but I want you to know what I mean:

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Image stolen from a security camera that was present at the convention. You might ask me how I got this? Just call me Mr. Universe, all signals go somewhere and I go everywhere. (Or Steve was at home hitting "Print Screen.) In case there's some confusion, I'm the scared looking plaid lad in the center. Behind the guy I'm assuming dressed up as Grimace.

Wow, I looked like a little kid back then. I'm so manly now it's hard to remember I wasn't born like this. Which would have been disgusting. Anyway, you can see the type of crowd I was dealing with. I'm painfully dissapointed that there aren't any of the cosplayers in view. Especially the guy with the tinfoil "armor". Here's a quote from one of the nerds present at the convention when hotel staff shooed EverQuesters out of sight: "They kicked us out the lobby for camping the spawn." (Nerdy laughter.) Between that, people greeting each other by saying "Hail" and the "real life quest" (AKA scavenger hunt) I realized that I needed to stop playing. Immeadiately.

Not terribly long after that I stopped playing. It really was for the best. I moved on, got sexier and sexier but still remained just as awesome and humble as I started. Well... probably more awesome. I played other games of course, did more things in what is known as 'real life', and went to college. But all the while there was this nagging feeling that I had some unfinished business. Well the other day I figured it out... I never actually canceled my subscription. See what reading your billing statement can get you? So six years later, I'm completely free of the beast. And I have to say, it feels good.

- Scott

P.S. This comment section is likely to turn into a complete nerd fest. Just so you know.


  1. Anonymous8:41 PM

    is that guy in the purple shirt Emeric?


  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Turn into a nerd fest? I dare say it began as one, sir.


  4. ok, sorry I had to break this into two seperate comments. That first one was just too much for me. The second thing I'd like to make sure all our readers were well aware of was this. The subscription was $10 a month. At somepoint that jumped up to $12. We figured it to be about $800 in subscription fees alone. Now figure in $50 for the game originally... $20 a pop for the 3 expansion packs... I'm willing to bet you topped it off with the convention and officially lost not only 3 years of your life to that video game, but a solid grand in cash as well.


  5. "Turn into a nerd fest? I dare say it began as one, sir."

    Ha ha! Well played, good sir!

    Seriously dude, that's a lot of money. Maybe now that you've canceled, you won't have to borrow so much from Rob.


  6. Ahh, the vintage Scott haircut. You should have that framed.

  7. Um...I didn't understand any of this post. Except for when you called that one guy Grimace. That was awesome.

  8. Anonymous4:14 PM



    PS- remind me to deduct all EQ payments from your school fund

  9. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Wow, even your dad has the same view that most of us have of you at RMC.
