Thursday, September 29, 2005

Liars, Blood and Comics

Well... I skipped a day. And a half. So the goal was lofty, but the results left something to strive for. But you've gotta cut me some slack. It's not like I took that day off or anything. I got married! That's right, my blushing internet bride is Keri Thompson. You might remember her from the last comment on the previous post. If not, you should really check her out. You'll notice she's listed as my wife. She really is a peach, let's go over some of her awesome qualities: likes good music as defined by me (and her), loves Perfect Dark, and finally has called Joss Whedon a god. I pretty much had to marry her. It it wasn't even up to me.

Other than that (and despite Tim's pre-emptive reporting of the event) I gave blood. Well, I attempted to give blood. You see every 56 days the local blood bank calls me like very polite daytime vampires and asks that I donate some blood to their cause. You know, whatever I'm not really using. As a lark I brought along Tim. Because if there's one thing he needs it's more substance of any description, taken out of his body. It's like mosquito's are looking at him, shaking their heads, and finding some Ethopians to feast on.

Interestingly, it was I who failed to save lives that day. You see, when they stuck me I watched. I always watch the needle go in. How can I not? I like to know when my skin is pierced. I asked a smartass question about anti-coagulants and then settled down to the race I was having with Tim to be done with giving blood first. I won. By a long shot. Apparently there's just too much in the way of muscle in my arm for me to squeeze safely. After about 2 tablespoons of blood had left me, I squeezed to help the process along and had the needle forcibly shoot out of the vein. It turns out I'm just ridiculously strong. Hopefully some Borrower will need a transfusion and we can hook him up. I've seriously lost more blood shaving.

Now back to my Firefly marathon.

- Scott


  1. Nice old-school reference there. Impressive.

    If I wouldn't have been logically compared to a can of Spam in lightning-fast comeback speed yesterday (by my vicar of all people), I would totally give you all the props for randomest thing I've heard(/read) all week.

    Shoulda saved it for next week.
    Now you have to share the glory.


  2. You have a vicar? Since when do you have a vicar? Do all Lutherans have vicars? That's hilarious! I didn't think that was a real position outside of those British sitcoms you see on PBS at 1 in the morning!

    In other news, I make quite the matchmaker. I should either:

    a) Start charging for it.
    b) Accept my new identity and start talking like an old Jewish lady.

  3. All Lutherans get vicars, but they are limited supply only.
    So not really all do, just whatever congregations get them from seminary.
    We have three at my church right now. But that's because one is for the Sudanese ministry, one for the Laotian ministry and one out of sem.
    Back home I can't remember even having one at our church, but there were a bunch around...
    Are there really vicars in British sitcoms? If so, I'm going to have to see those episodes! What do the vicars do in them? This year's vicar could be in a British sitcom, he's not British (I don't think) but he's funny. And he's planning on coming to see DICEY, how awesome is that?

  4. "Vicar" is an Anglican office, that some protestants have hijacked. So yeah, lots of old school British comedies and/or mysteries have a local vicar, usually sipping tea in the garden and acting in a manner unbecoming of a clergyman.

  5. I don't like these terroristic references you are making. We are not bombers, we're Lutherans.

    Plus, the Anglicans sprouted off the protestant revolution. So who's taking from whom anyway?

    Vicars should be on their best behavior, they're in training, no shenanegans in the garden with tea, that's my vote. Oh those silly UKers!

    Clearly I need more on my plate of things to do if I can be every other comment on a blog...
    I'm leaving now, to go and get a life...
    Or maybe just to get my Sunday School lesson ready for my Lutheran church tomorrow.


  6. Anonymous7:45 AM

    My parents were killed by a Lutheran Vicar. I'd prefer if stopped talking about it.

    Too soon, too soon.


  7. Linda's input: "I am appalled!!!" "I understand Lutheran vicars and they don't do that." "That is horrible, you shouldn't say that!" and "Sonal (one of our roommates)is one of the coolest people."

    oddly enough, that was all in response to Keri's comment

    My input: Lutherans should be infalliable. Like the pope. Only lots of us. Everywhere.
    Therefore, I believe the action taken upon Keri's parents must have been justifiable in God's eyes.

    Linda: (again) "It's like a Lutheran pandemic!"

    ~c & l
