Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Japan, you've let me down

I once considered anime to be a sort of art. One I'm not overly into, although I do enjoy a nice Trigun or Cowboy Bebop as much as the next fanboy, I think of most of it as ridiculous, obscure, and the fast track to not having anything interesting to say. So as an art it ranks right just above those girls who write their own poetry in high school. But now they've gone into painfully cheesy territory. The new Cartoon Network anime show? BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo. And my parents thought Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a stupid name. What the hell kind of kids are we raising on this crap.

I suppose you're wondering about the plot. Perhaps they gave it a stupid name, but it has a plot of gold! Like me wife Audrey. If that's what you're hoping for you're not only mistaken, no sir, you're sorely mistaken. Here's a brief plot synopsis:

In the 31st century an evil emperor has organized a hair hunt to fuel his ruthless power. The citizens are in fear of losing their locks to vicious Hair Hunters. One man has decided to take a stand, that man is BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo. He has a golden afro and Nose Hair Karate techniques and... someotherridiculousshit.
It's official, I'm debating whether or not I can still have faith in humanity's right to exist. Thanks alot Japan. But honestly, what are they saying about grooming? That it's evil? Because really I thought hygene was all the rage over there. Damn you Japan conform to my stereotypes.

- Scott


  1. Hey, not all high school girls write crappy poetry!

    Anime... I have no comment...
    (Although I used to love Pokemon (before it got crazy))


  2. Corie, don't worry about it. Scott can name every pokemon... and their evolved forms... whether or not they've "Ever been defeated."

  3. Ok, here's the test: Corsola.
    Go Scott, use your Pokepowers to tell me what the strengths and evolved forms are, because some guy nicknamed me that, and I know nothing about it. I hope my powers aren't things like large gaseous burps or the ability to injure myself while sleeping...

    My prediction of Scott's post:
    "Scott, scott, sc-cc scott, scott."
    In typical Pokespeak (Which by the way is in the same language family as Newspeak)

    and I'm officially a loser...

    oh and my word: kwtaaog... could be another Pokemon, eh?

  4. That was always my favorite thing to ask during rounds of Super Smash Brothers: "Say Scott, has that particular Pokemon ever been defeated?"

    My second favorite thing to ask was "Scott, how come you never win at this game?"

    Ah, good times.

    Scott, this is not the Pam-centric post I was promised.

  5. I PROMISED YOU NOTHING! I said I was working on a Pam-centric post. You'll have it when it's done. Did they come up to Michelangelo and say "Dood, you got that nekid guy done yet?" in Italian? No. Such is my work.

    Coors, let me just whip out my Pokedex and look up Corsola.

    "Corsola: evolved form of Corsolita found on the PiƱa Islands. Attacks with angst and obscure music knowledge. Occasionally takes on temporary positions in major shopping centers for spare cash. Evolves to Corladda with deep reflection, but sometimes alcohol can be an acceptable substitute."

    It's been defeated only once by Charizard, WHO HAS NEVER BEEN DEFEATED!

    - Scott

    P.S. I seem to remember *something* about Yu-Gi-Oh, but I think I was just making fun of it... and not purchasing cards. And beating up kids who like it.

  6. interesting note: every year my school has a group of japanese students stay on campus for a month or so. I don't think they bathe that entire time. So there goes your hygiene theory.

  7. Man, apparently Japanese women all have the same ass. Damn conformity. At least ONE stereotype is accurate.

    - Scott

  8. Impressive, Scott.

    So who actually knows enough Pokemon to be able to really test his knowledge?

    He probably makes things up half the time just to keep his status.


  9. Wait that's a real one?

    Oh yeah, I just looked it up and remembered it. It's the coral pokemon. Found in the sea. People live on islands built of these guys. Misty wanted one because they're really pretty. Also she enjoys having pokemon that serve no practical function.

    I like my made up version better.

    - Scott
