Saturday, August 21, 2004


Have you ever seen something that so aptly portrayed life in general that you don't really know how you didn't run into the same situations yourself? Well, as complicated and ill written as that sentance was, it kind of describes my reaction to Garden State also Zach Braff is a really talented guy. Props to you my nigga. Your movie just made my Top 7 of all time list. And good news, it's in the top 5.

I don't think there's a bigger contrast between movies than the one between Garden State and AVP. It's like the difference between a festering pile of cow shit and the most elaborately brilliant work of El Greco. Not alot of similarities. Don't get me wrong, if it sounds like I'm in love with Zach Braff I apologize. That's not the image I'm wanting to portray. But I AM willing to buy the man a hooker and a 6 pack.

Wow, seriously. Go see this movie. I don't care how poor you are. If it's between seeing the film and eating...well at least you'll lose some weight. A wise, skinny man once said that it's a very "generational" film. And at the time I was thinking "Tim, you lanky mad man. I think you just wanted to seem like you're 'hip' and 'down with the kidz in the street'." But now that I've seen it I'd have to agree with the boy. Send your friends, send your second string friends, send your TA's but just don't ask your parents to see it. I don't think it would resonate as strongly with them. Oh well. It's late and I'm rambling. To quote someone I once knew "If you made it this far I congratulate you." Because this has been by far my most worthless entry. - Scott

1 comment:

  1. A post devoted to the majesty that is Garden State is hardly a post wasted, dear Scott. See, I told you it was awesome. And to think, you scoffed and threw feces. You fool.
