Thursday, May 05, 2005

The Northwest Shuffle

You've waited for it, you've pined for it, and now you're getting it. What is this ill-defined "it" I speak of? Could it be those infamous nudes I took in my highschool days? Keep waiting ladies, or come and see the live show. Touching encouraged... The good news is that the answer to those questions is no. Gentlemen feel free to breathe that sigh of relief that you can continue to live in blissful ignorance of your inferiority. What I am talking about is the end to all this trip related nonsense. And the end, like most endings, involves a picture montage. So without further ado:

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Above: Barrett on the randomly placed slide.
Below: Myself shooting a wicked awesome action shot from said slide.

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Me and my clossal interro-wang. (Tim that one's for you.)

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Blatantly disregarding the (cropped in) warnings and threats.
And having a great time of it. (See below)

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Scotthar of the Cave People...
along with
Nathar of the Narcoleptic Cave People...
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Myself enjoying a nice coloring session at the fake Vancouver Space Needle.

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I'm long, strong and down to get the Civil War on.

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Smilin' Scott for Ballzite. The all concrete male supplement.
Should balls become immovable and grow grass beneath them consult a doctor and a lawn care specialist immeadiately.

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It is called "The Crane", there is no defense for this.
But you can make fun of how rediculous the person looks. Because really, emotional scarring lasts so much longer.

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Included as a tribute to Ro, whose ass I am kicking in the Rob's Blog Comment Contest.

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The Awesome Donut Guy: serving up tiny donuts with big punk rock attitude.

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The most serious coffee drinkers. Ever. But they're outside the original (as in first) Starbucks Coffee house, so a certain vibe is expected.

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Pike's Market, with optional blurryness. Makes a nice desktop.

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Finally the "Three Musketeers" (as named by a hobo) at the end of their journey (for now).
What an awesome trip.

That's it for now, tomorrow: normal posts. Enjoy this last special one.


  1. Scott, your post sucks.
    Your website sucks.
    You don't even have a comment counter.
    it is actually a waste of my time to post this comment right now, that's how far beneith me you are. I am glad to see that you put in every phallic photo you could, Freud would be proud.

    And now, I'm going to sleep on your futon. Later sucker.

  2. Oh is it "beneith" you? Well then I guess I should really feel honored that you posted considering how "beneith" you it is. I'd correct your spelling mistake and point out how awesome my blog is compared to yours, but that would be "beneith" me.

    I will say two things. 1.) That's hardly every phallic photo I could put in. There are those that weren't included for various reasons. Don't ever question my affinity for rediculous and lude pictures. and 2.) It's a fold out couch, Futon's blow! Plus it was free! How sweet is that? Sugary sweet my friend. Sugary.

    - Scott

  3. You two are staying in the same apartment...and you're STILL speaking through blog comments. Well, that's it. Verbal communication has officially jumped the shark.

    In Rob's defense, there were quite a few wang and ball shots. Definitely a little something psychological going on there. Although I appreciate the "interro-wang" shout-out. Have fun, you two.

  4. I'm sure the sexual tension there is reaching a boiling point.

  5. If one wang and one ball shot constitutes "quite a lot" then guilty as charged. I would hate to live in a country wherein objects already phallic in nature are positioned into even more phallic poses. Give me ludity or give me death, but with dinner I'll bring stuffing.

    Glad you appreciated the interro-wang shout out though. At least I have that to console me. Also I still find my Ballzite thing pretty clever, and to tell you the truth, that's almost enough. Now back to practicing to beat Rob in SSB.

    - Scott

  6. After ripping me for my misspellings on my previous comment, you go mis-count how many phallic photos you have on your blog. I definitely count two wang pics and one set of balls. Way to go... ass.

  7. Anonymous1:49 PM

    All this ball and wang talk is makin' me HOT...

    BTW, the comment about the grass growing under the balls made me shoot iced tea through my nose...nice.

    ~Hidong Out

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Good times had by all. Thank for the awesome visit Scotty.
