Monday, May 09, 2005

Morning has broken

And apparently so have the laws of physics for my hair. This is what Rob was talking about when he said I look "amazing" in the morning. I'll say now for the record that the previous sentence is the single most homoerotic thing that will ever grace my blog. But I'll also say, he's right. I naturally have the hair emo kids pretend they didn't spend hours styling that way. Take a look:

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There's the pictures you all demanded. Every morning a variation on that theme. Sometimes I take a picture of it. Sometimes I envision myself with a mustache and goatee, then poorly photoshop it.

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And people wonder why I'm never on time to class...


  1. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Rocketing up to number two? I'm honored and I'll be presenting Scott with his very own DA.TA skateboard for a door prize. Seriously I couldn't be more honored if I were named Honor. Has anyone ever met someone named Honor? I have, and I could never get over how cool their name was.

  2. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Liking it Scotty

  3. I like how your goatee has highlights in it as well. Hey, you screwed up the mad linkage to my blog in your top 5 list. You added a quotation mark or something. Take care, you wild haired beast.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Also, I just noticed that Moby outranks me. WTF? What has he done for you that I couldn't?!

  6. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Smalls is retarded..but anywho.. Nice site.

  7. That's right Josh, just keep padding my good will with prizes, that's the way to do it. And Jakey, my goatee doesn't have highlights in it! Nor does my hair. Both grow in that color. Honestly. But I will say that questioning my "mad linkage" and like of Moby is not the way to cling precariously to the top five list.

    And don't even question what Moby has done to me. He's shown me that even if you're born looking like a fetus, grow up looking like a fetus, and make hit music looking like fetus, you can still convince Gwen Stefani to lick your head.

    Anonymous Jones, it's not so much that I have a problem with you making fun of smalls* as that you don't own up to it. Plus you say I have a nice site. You're off to a good start with the comments, sadly I have no one to attribute it to. Since you're a blank blogging slate, I think I'll fill you in with someone I want to comment on my blog. So Jessica Biel I thank you.

  8. You look like the dude Lou Perlman turned down in favor of AJ Mclean for the Backstreet Boys.

  9. Am I gonna get bumped from the top five list if I agree about the highlights? Because they are lovely, multi-tonal highlights and frankly, I'm a little jealous.

  10. dude, i'm making a presentation about mustaches and gonna use this on one of the slides lol
