Monday, May 16, 2005

Day 7412: Today I did some stuff,

It occurs to me that if I had kept a blog for my each day of my entire life (like Wendyloo seems to be able to do) this would be the 7412th entry. Mind you the first oh say 1,000 entries would read like this guys stuff. But eventually I stopped speaking Swedish. It's just a strange phase kids go through. Like those years I would pretend to be dead and let someone find me. Ah morbid enjoyment. And when I say morbid I'm talking about the Swedish. I begin to think they weren't neutral in WWII, it's just that no one could figure out what they were saying and told them to stay the hell out it for being damn freaks.

But enough unnatural hating of Sweden. On to the day's activities. I had a hell of a good time filling out incorrect answers to questions in Cisco today. A shame that they had to grade the thing. It was just that funny. Here's an excerpt:

- category: boobs
- metric: cup size
- updates: ummm, puberty, plastic surgery, pasties(?) and of course the bustier.

True enjoyment. Another gem was when el professor mentioned something about protocols and how "They all know everything", at which point I piped up in my old man voice "They think they do don't they... whippersnapper protocols, in my day we had 15 baud modems that we prayed to God wouldn't arbitrarily disconnect before I finished downloading a picture of picture of Teri Hatcher... In the snow... With shoeboxes for monitors..." It got a nice laugh and a completely bewildered stare, both of which I enjoy immensely.

However all of this supports what I am gradually realizing; I don't want to spend my life worrying about computers, or networks, or pictures of Teri Hatcher. Because who gives two craps if she got the red swimsuit? Anyway, I think I want to write things. Or try to. Tim once said something to the effect that I should consider comedy writing, and that my friend, is exactly what I think I want to do. However I am keeping an open mind to different career's, but I graduate in 8 1/2 months and I have to go to gradschool for a better purpose than "to have a summer break again" so let's hear those brilliant suggestions in a timely manner.

One last thing, the exciting news: Rob is now my roommate. Insert cataclysmic warning here: _____ ________ ______. So far it's been pretty good, except that he re-wired my stereo system to the point that I can't even watch cable anymore. When he gets home from work he's hearing about that one. Anyway that's it for now. Tomorrow: adventures in Scott Land.

- Scott


  1. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Well, you knew that something like having your stereo re-wired could happen if you got a roomate. I do believe it was one of the 5 reasons you said you didn't want a roomate. Oh well, I hope you guys have fun (good clean fun, haha). By the way, more summer is a perfect reason for grad school!

  2. Yeah Scott, know what my favorite part is? How it was YOU who accidentally unplugged the cable when your fat ass was back there last night. I believe I left a clearly label diagram, along with appendixes A, B and C. All you had to do is turn to page 16 of my little booklet I made you and look under "Troubleshooting." But I'll save you the trouble and copy it here:

    Everything worked fine before you got home. If something doesn't work, you broke it. Retrace your steps and figure out how. Have a nice day.

  3. Future generations only serve to benefit from the wise teachings of a once humble young woman turned fascist dictator and intergalactic empress. BOW BEFORE ME, PEONS.

    You just wait until I get my pink lightsaber. BLOG MOCKERS, BEWARE! For I shall strike thee down with ... something something and-- ooh, dark chocolate M&M's... I gotta go.
