Friday, February 04, 2005

It's that time again....

'To make the CBS censors angry?' 'To make fun of the Disney Channel' Perhaps in another it's time for the 2005 Bloggies. The most prestigous award sho...cerem...thing on the internet. And sadly we here at Bufford the Wonder Blog were snubbed again this year for the first year in a row, but one of the blogs the entire staff of BTWB supports is Teaching The Indie Kids To Dance Again. What catagory you ask? No not the abso-fucking-lutely longest URL on the interweb. Their catagory is "Best Kept Secret" which I think they've effictively destroied with this nomination.

They should have been up for best music blog, but the got rid of that after last year. Apparently the RIAA was shitting cows made of bricks over it, so it got the boot. A shame I'd say. But if you're a member of the Blogcademy and you're voting this year I'd seriously reccomend TTIKTDA, and while you're there check out some kick ass indie tracks.

- Scott

P.S. I'd also like to welcome Rob to the nerdery, he's officially joined my EverQuest Frat.


  1. EverQuest Frats? Whatever happened to guilds, man? Is this some new thing where the pledges have to be spanked by a troll or chug stamina potions before they're allowed into the group? Do they have to pay a certain amount of gold every year to keep their same group of friends? Do they occassionally engage in super-secret and semi-homoerotic rituals? can keep your conformity to yourself, sell-outs.

    So...can I join or what?

  2. If only you were cool enough...

  3. You go to hell and you die!
