Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Get that restraining order ready.

Wouldn't lawyer-ing be a lot more interesting if restraining orders were delivered via a holster mounted "Pistol of Justice"? I think so. And it would probably make getting one less embarrassing you could tell your friends "The restraining order is some B.S., but that ther' DA has the quickest draw west of the Missip' " Which will make me feel better when I get one. Because I feel like a damn stalker. Here's why; I have this ridiculously good memory and I remember people's faces for years. I saw a guy the other day I didn't recognize at first and then two days later realized it was the guy whose car broke down and left him stranded at BestBuy.

Creepy I know, but it happens all the time. Like today, I was watching the...*ahem* Gilmore Girls, because...er it was... on? Yeah, it was that and nothing else. I only got one channel today at 4:00 and it had the Gilmore Girls on. Totally not my fault. Anyway there was an extra in the background who asked Lorelai a question and I recognized her immediately. It was Tim's newest crush: the McGriddles girl. So armed with this info I managed to track her down. Her name is Riki Lindhome. Apparently she was in Million Dollar Baby too, I'm generally not into beefcake women's boxers (seriously, the least feminine group outside the WNBA) but I might have to see this thing.

The other reason is that I have officially proclaimed my love for a celebrity to a celebrity. At least by proxy. Remember my attraction for Pam from The Office? And how I couldn't remember who I knew that said they were related to her? Well I found out my friend Karen was the one who originally gave up that little nugget of trivia. And thanks to an assist from Rob, a message got passed along to Pam. Here is the message exactly as it was delivered to her: "Scott Gresham totally thinks you're hot." To which she laughed. I could feel rebuffed, but I like the idea that Pam (Jenna Fischer) laughed at something I said. The way I see it, she knows how I feel; the ball's in her court now.

That's all for today kids. See, I told you it'd be much shorter.

- Scott


  1. Wow Scott. I'm disappointed. I can't believe you got a restraining order put on you. Its people like you who piss me off and make me want to go on wild tangents on your own blog.

    Seriously a person has a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to privacy. It says so in the Bible even... Job 14:11 "Rob French and everyone who thinks like him is right, everyone else is a God hating, Anti-American Piece of Shit."

    You make me sick Scott Gresham. I have to admit I've lost respect for you. Just shows who the mature ones are here.

  2. Notice to those not in the insane little in-joking world of Scott and Rob:

    That was a retaliation to an annoying person misinterpreting something he posted on his blog. He does not, as far as I know, have knowledge of any *supposed* restraining order against me. For now, it's purely for the purpose of entertaining... I hope.

  3. McGriddles Girl was on Gilmore Girls?! Dude, I gotta go watch my tape. Yeah, I tape Gilmore Girls. I'm not ashamed to admit that I regularly watch the show. Unlike some people I know. SCOTT, I'm looking at you. It's a great show. There's nothing wrong with strong, heterosexual men enjoying high-quality, well-written TV.

    And I'm wicked jealous that you made Pam laugh. She's so freaking cute. I can't believe that next week is the season finale already! They better freaking pick that up next season.
