Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Random bits from the mind of Scott

Ok I have a few posts lined out for the future, but they're all pretty well A-list stuff. I can't start a year on that! People will start to expect too much. Here's some selections from the B team, you know the B Team. They had a somewhat successful show in the 70's. You know...outlaws from the Coast Guard, framed for a crime they probably did commit, rode around in a Ford Pinto? Ring a bell? No?...And you call yourselves cultured. Pfft.

Anyway over the break I had lots of thoughts about things that I intended to work into full length posts. Here is a sampling of those thoughts:

1. Season's Greetings: How. damn. lame. I realize it's a shot at being politically correct, which you all know I personifiy, but come on. I cringe everytime I hear this expressions. Why not say "I'm too big of a pussy to affiliate myself with one specific holiday/religion so I'm going to be vague to the point that you can't sue me" or "Meaningless Holiday Salutations" or "INSERT APPROIATE GENERIC RESPONSE HERE" but if you use that last one you have to say it like a robot. Because if you have ever in your life said "Seasons Greetings" that's pretty much what you are.

2. 2004: A Space Odyssey: Not only did our old year have a movie, but it had an awesome soundtrack. One that is a bit overplayed, but someday I think I'd like to strip to it. dunnn Dunnn DUNNN DAH DUNNN. You know the tune. It would be pretty magnificient.

Anyway, even though 2004 didn't quite live up to it's name (all we did that year was put a friggin' go kart on Mars) it still had a nice "Man, it's 2004, I live in the future" quality to it. What does 2005 have to offer? So far crappy weather, tsunami aftermath, and that's about it. What the hell kind of odyssey do you have in 2005? I mean, my on-going booty odyssey sure. But that's it! I say we all decide on an odyssey for this year and set out on it.

3. My New Year's resolution: To have a secret word of the day. That's right, a Pee Wee's Playhouse reference. And I fully intend to scream everytime I hear it throughout the day. I've called some people about talking furniture, they haven't gotten back to me yet. But seriously, how elitist is it to have a secret word? Super Elite, in fact it goes so far as to be 1337. (If you're confused about 1337, let me break down "leet speak" for you. Basically hackers didn't want people to easily find their sites through searches, and if they did, they wanted it to look unintelligible. So they use numbers and symbols instead of letters. 1337 translates to leet, from elite. Originally it was 31337, for Eleet. There's entire lettering systems for this, check out a tame example here. So there's that.) Look for that in the future.

Finally the word for today is: misunderstanding!
They don't have to emphasize it enough to include the exclamation point. I threw that little gem of punctuation because it's more exciting that way. Even a bland usage of misunderstanding will do. So enjoy that. If this word doesn't come up enough I'll be sure to use a more common one next time. - Scott


  1. Scott, there must be some misunderstanding. Isn't it 2001: A Space Odyssey?

  2. First of all. AHHHHHHHHHH. Secondly, Balls! You're right. Shit. Well then what the hell was supposed to happen in 2004? It was something I'm sure. Maybe the real problem is that I do no research and pretty much go with whatever is kicking around in my head. Hmm, that could be it.

    The thing is, it didn't even sound right to me and I wrote it...Or maybe I did it all to get you to say misunderstanding (Ahhhhhhh). Yeah that's the ticket

    - Focker out

  3. Whole time I was reading that I was like... is there a subtle joke I'm missing? So I read, and re-read. And then went to the comments section to verify. Way to make up random shit and try and pass it off as fact! At least I know that really is "Gresham" blood in you. Misunderstanding my ass! You're a truthless tall-tale telling trickster.

    And THAT my friend, is alliteration.

  4. Truthless? How dare you call me truthless? That's like going out of your way to point out to a doberman that his tale has been cut off. I thought that would be obvious. Especially in a post like this (ie. junk post to keep the site from stagnating too much.

    Rob, I'm dissapointed in YOU. Tisk tisk. And I thought you understood substandard crap. I mean, I saw your holiday recap post...

    - Scott

  5. "Tail" not "Tale"

    and you better head over to xrobfrenchx.blogspot.com you're being blasted on my site. I really didn't intend to do it, it just kinda happened. You might need to give your version of events (as fictious as they may be).
