Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Le Grand Deception

Ok. Here's the thing, I worked myself into quite a jam and I could really use the advice of my dearest friends. The first issue is a paper about a psycology experiment. I was supposed to pick a person and try to condition their behavior to have some conditioned response. Like Pavlov's dog, he simultaneously rang a bell and fed the dog, so eventually the dog would associate the ringing of the bell with food. And when he heard the bell he'd drool.

That's what I was supposed to do. Instead I played excessive amounts of video games and made smart alec comments to people, both present and on the internet. Now I have an interesting opportunity that people are talking about... Because I didn't really do the research/work I can just make it all up. You see how I spun that into an advantage? I should really work for the White House, just not this one because I friggin hate it.

So here's where you come in I need advice in three areas:

  1. What behavior should I aim to change?
  2. Who should I claim I did it to?
  3. Are there any unexpected side effects?
I have some ideas, but I am taking suggestions. The more rediculous and hilarious the better because she isn't going to check on these. Be creative people. I know you can. Let the shennanigans begin.


  1. 2 suggestions. Both dealing with "your girlfriend." One of which: You backhand your girlfriend everytime she doesn't do what she's told. That way, you condition a subservant response as well as a secondary flinch responce. Second one is the flip side of the coin. You play a particular CD everytime you get freaky. Then she has an automatic assocation with that artist and getting freaky. Then next time she and her gorgeous cheerleader best friend are over, you play the CD quitely in the background.

    Just a suggestion.

  2. Scott, what the heck! I totally posted on this like an hour ago... and nothing comes up?? Your site blows. I even went to mine and Tim's to make sure that I didn't accidently put the comment on someone else's blog. Nope. This is censorship! This is bullshit! I'm not gonna take! No! We ain't gonna take it! We're not gonna take it, anymore...

  3. oh sure, NOW it comes up for me...
    As if the first 80 times I pressed refresh didn't count. Hate you Scott. Hate you.

  4. Good stuff. I think I'm going with every time my girlfriend drove past the intersection by the gradeschool I yelled "LOOK OUT THERE'S A KID" really loud and freaked her out. So that now when she drives past that place with or with out me she gets uneasy.

    The thought of her jumping out of her skin like that is really funny to me. I know it's sick, blah blah. I'll be committed by the end of the semester...blah blah blah. Still a funny thought. I think I might have to test it out on someone sometime.
