Monday, January 31, 2005

I'm 20, and I feel grrrreat

I've got some people that are younger than me at my college, and I'm enjoying the hell out of being older than them. I'm finally twenty. That sounds so mature. Which makes it even more ironic and enjoyable to be completely immature. Although words can't express how nice it is to be able to say that I'm not -----teen. That teen on the end, it just bothered me/made me think of 1950's teenagers, and I'm not quite sure why. "I'm a teen, I sip milkshakes with my main gal and go to sock-hops on the weekend."

Fortunately, I no longer have to put up with this indignity. Now I'm 20. Despite my age I feel great. (Give that one a chance, it's how I picture the office environment.) This year was a pretty good birthday. The folks and I went out to The Old Spaghetti Factory and after a one way street fiasco in which some ass almost needed prompt kicking we were there and comfortably seated...well almost. You see in a large room like the one we were seated in at the OSF, you need to regulate the temperature and usually it needs to cool off. And that's where our problem comes in, they had the air conditioner on 55 degrees and we got seated under it.

Or I should say I did. So I did what any mature, 20 year old adult would do; took a key from my keychain, broke through the protective case and set the thermostat to 70. We left just as it was getting warm. So it was a good birthday.

Another breakthrough for me was getting over my lightning fast pleasantry response of "You too". Because it really led me down some rediculous avenues of social discourse. Here's an example:

  • Random Birthday Wisher: "Happy Birthday"
  • Me: "Thanks, you too" (Internal Monologue: Shit, that doesn't work here...Quick! Make up a lie)
  • Me: "Oh sorry, me and a guy at school have the same birthday...I'm just used to saying that...because..."
  • Me: *Wave hand* You did not hear me say "you too" you heard the response you were hoping for"
So it's good I got over that. Too much Jedi mind trick isn't good for anyone.

- Scott


  1. I hate that knee-jerk "you too" that comes out at the most inopportune times. But I REALLY like catching other people when they do it. One time Josh and I were buying concessions at a movie (we weren't on a date. We were with our parents. Okay, that's not much better.) and the lady said, "Enjoy your movie." And he said, "Thanks, you too." Then the lady and I had a little interaction wherein we discussed what a moron that last guy was. She said it happens a lot. I said, "I bet." Then I called my brother a moron again. Good times.

  2. Ha ha.
    Tim called his brother a moron.
    Good stuff.
    (awkward silence)
