Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Stereotype Alley

You know Tornado Alley? It's in the Mid-West, from Texas to somewhere in Indiana where all the twista's come through. And every hack comic uses it as their closing bit on open mic night "You know who I don't feel sorry for? Those hillbillies who live in tornado alley and are surprised when a tornado destroys their trailer..." yeah, that's what I meant.

Anyway, where I live it isn't so much Tornado Alley (though I'm pretty sure we're in that as well), it's more Stereotype Alley. Where all the Stereo Type's come to live. Let me give you an example. I'm outside in my car driving out of the parking lot, and what should come across my path but a Latin man carrying a 24 case of Corona. Hmmm, 1 for 1. We can do better, then I spied a Black man carring a case of KFC. Doing well, 2 for 2, and finally the kicker a hippy looking guy eating granola.

Wow, throw in a few asian delivery men and you're set. It's just amazing that not only did I have this wonderful diversity of people, they were doing diversly funny things based on ethinic/cultural stereotypes. I love it. - Scott


  1. Damn. Now I have to dump my killer "Tornado Alley" bit from my set. Thanks a lot, Scott.

    I always like to keep an eye out for crying emo kids. That's a fun stereotype. It sucks though, because every time I look in the mirror, I yell, "Bingo!"

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