Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Liars, Guns, and Money. Part 1

I don't know if you've wised up and taken my advice to go see Garden State but if you did, you probably noticed how sleazy some of Largeman (Braff's) friends are. Well, compaired to the posse I was hanging out with this weekend, those guys are saints. It all started out with me chatting (read pumping for information) with an old friend from high school. (One side note, how cool is that I'm old enough to have an "old friend from high school. Mesa cool, that's how cool.) And she mentioned that she wanted to see me. I thought it was just an excuse to try to jump my bones, and so gladly accepted.

Then in comes one of my shadier aquaintences, no names will be named, but think long hair, no shoes. Suddenly it's a party at his farm I'm supposed to go to. I'd been to one there once before, and on that occasion I ended up drinking a fifth of rum, starting a minor forrest fire (then trying to smother it with leaves and small brush), and finally realizing that we should have pitched the tent before it got so drunk out, pitching a tent over a sapling. Which was poking the hell out of my back all night. I don't reccomend it.

Anyway this was the type of thing I was expecting. But expectations, like children from Appalachia, don't always come out the way you'd expect. Somewhere along the line I forgot that a normal kid goes kind of wild in college. And a slightly wild kid, goes completely apeshit. It used to be mostly alcohol and sometimes Mary Jane with him, but now there's perscription pills,
marijuana, and mushrooms. Come to think of it, that kinda sounds like toppings on some kind of Betty Ford pizza. His friends were no great influences either. His stoner friends range from the smoked/perscription pilled-himself-retarded guy, to the kinda decent guy who's funny stoned. I met this motley crew at the Shop-N-Save at around 11PM, where they were stocking up on the essentials of the night. Which turned out to be dried appercots, 10 bags of potato chips, a gas can to fill with vodka and drink out of, and liquor.

We set out from the store around 11:30 and maybe got to the field where we were going to camp at about 12 AM. As you might guess, it was dark. Gold star for knowing your times of day. It was so dark in fact that when we pulled up and got out of our cars we didn't even realize that what field we had parked in. We didn't find out until one of them got close enough to bump into and let out a cautious "moooo?" It was a huge, curious cow, and we were surrounded by more of them. The (mostly) city stoner kids freaked out. I was a bit worried myself, I had been eating the angus, and now the angus was angry. Fortunately the angus knew better and I didn't have to eat any raw cow. I still don't know how our headlights missed that.

We moved into a different field and set up camp. Then of course they busted out the drugs. For stoners though, his friends turned out to be pretty good on peer pressure, in fact the one time someone tried to pressure me into doing something 4 other guys jumped his ass about how uncool it was. No peer pressure druggies...this political correctness thing has gotten way out of hand. After consuming enough mind altering substances to consider voting for Bush, the hippies decided that it was time to tell scary stories around the fire. Or try to while 9 other stoned people make fun of you. Eventually the desire for some kind of entertainment won out and the stories began. And while it was supposed to be funny (which it kind of was) what I heard was the most distrubing thing I may ever hear. This is getting a bit long, so it's going to be a multi parter.

Before I end here is that story paraphrased as best I can remember: "Ok, here's the story. Some of you have heard it and were there, so don't ruin the ending. Well me and *I don't remember the guy's name, I'll call him Casey* Casey were heading out to meet some friend at a motel. And we go in and everyone's doing acid, so we do some acid. And we're drinking and stuff, and then we decide to go out and walk around. So, we go out and we're walking down the street and we see this midget. And we're like 'Yo. Midget, what's up' and we get to talking and this midget just has a lot of ideas. We're like this is pretty cool, this midget has something to say. So we bring him back to the motel with us. And we gave him some beer and some acid. And he's having a good time. But a little later he gets up on the table and starts screaming. The midget is just freaking out. We tried to calm him down, but nothing would we ended up throwing him in the closet and blocking the door. Eventually we went to sleep and kind of forgot about him. So the next day we were leaving and somebody was like "Oh yeah the midget." Everyone was pretty worried, so we opened the closet and..."

The ending is mind blowing, and severely wrong. I'm pretty sure someone told me not to repeat this, but it gives you an idea of who I accidently ended up hanging out with. I think I'll leave you in suspense. If I get enough comments I'll just finish the tale in the comments portion of the blog. Let me know - Scott


  1. Wow. Scott, I think I speak for the entire English-speaking population when I say that your stories are scary and I'm very worried that you're hanging out with the wrong crowd. I'm more frightened than intrigued about the end of the story. And yet...I must know. And why did we both have stories about midgets all of a sudden? Weird.

  2. Listen, it wasn't really that I wanted to hang out with these people. They aren't really my closest friends or anything. You see I have a complex friend system. Like a football team has strings. You have your first string friends, they're your go to guys. If they're not availible you have your second string friends, friends that you like and find interesting but aren't really your best friends. Then the third string friends, people you invite to large parties to fill out the guest list, and you know them but they're mostly fodder for jokes. And then you have the grey wastes beyond. These friends are like 8th string friends. It just kind of happened that I was feeling adventurous, had I known what I was getting myself into...

    But fear not, I'm just as appalled as you are by all of this. But I really didn't have much else to write about at the time. Although I did have some kind of revelation and came up with a bunch of good ideas/observations. Look forward to that. This might be my one and only post from the dark zone, so savor the flavor. Ain't going to happen often. - Scott

  3. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Okay okay, let's here the end of the story though. It's obvious that the midget was dead, and that they abandoned his body somewhere (or he ate himself or shit all over the place). I just want to know that that is indeed the poor wee man's fate. Just keep your nose clean Scottie, that's all I gotta say about that. But yes sometimes we all find ourselves with people or situations completely unlike ourselves, at this time, it's important to remember who we are, what we stand for, and just be the normal one. It always makes for one hell of a story. That for sure.

    -The Anon

  4. Bleh! Do I seem really morally flexible? Or a pawn to someone elses whim?! NO, I'm the one in charge. But I've gotten 2 replys and about 5 IM's saying that I need to watch out and take care of myself. So I guess I actually have to say it: I'm pretty much a badass. As far as being the 'normal one' I'm as normal as someone as awesome as myself can be. Have I EVER caved to peer pressure when I didn't want to? Case in point: 15 and 3/4 years of wearing a mullet. No way Jose Cuervo.

    So fear not, I never lose track of myself. That's just about my favorite thing! As far as the ending, well the midget lived and ended up just fine. I decided that I like my blog to be a bit more upbeat than this, so I'm considering archiving this post early. If you want the dirt on the midget you'll have to ask me in private like everyone else. - Scott

    Promising to be less shady in all future postings.
