Monday, July 18, 2005


Ok, a few confessions. Yes I did go to the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Even geekier, I finished it like the day after I bought it. For a 642 page book, this is truly an act of nerdity. However I don't think it's anywhere near as nerdy as my unwelcome attraction to one Nymphadora Tonks. I was just having a discussion about it. With myself. I said "Way to fall in love with a fictitious character, self. Because that really has possibilities, that's going places." Still, she's my favorite girl from the books. And if JK Rowling would just write me in to the final chapter, I'm pretty sure I could hook that up.

Anyway, I think now (like Tim thought yesterday) is a good time for a picture post. I'm feeling lazy, and having just gotten back to school, is the right and proper way for me to feel. And maybe a little sadness, but that's because I didn't like the ending of Half-Blood Prince. Quite the downer, very much like The Two Towers or The Empire Strikes Back. As a pick me up, here's some of my favorite stuff, namely pictures of me!

Are you reading this?
I feel I really captured the moment here. Jacob waxing philosophical, Stephen being exuberent and Rob laying his A-Game on Molly. Hear that Ro? Yeah. Stole my post AND macked on another woman. Where did we find this guy?

Whoa, did you catch on to my little game?
More scenes from the Blogaversary. Thought I'd toss a few up. Don't think I didn't catch the bird as I took it. Having snuck a few in myself it's the kind of thing I'm quite an expert on.

I thought not, I'm just too clever.
And we get to the freak pictures. Here I am making the guy in the bad Dumbledore costume feel awkward. I don't feel bad though. He was scaring the normal people. Normal being situational mind you.

The password is bamboon.
Ah, an expression as good as "Pensive Potter". Look at the grace and elegance I portray as I pretend to read. At this point I was on page 4. A scant 24 hours later I would be finished. How the time flies.

Seriously, what a great caption.
And finally, here it is, my Reading Rainbow Colation. Liberals, Republicans, Women. There's no group too ridiculous for us to allow. Even more farcical we continued to sit and read in this position even after the picture was taken. For like five minutes. Eventually I decided it was just too 'Brady' and broke it up.

All in all, another awesome time that Rob was only at because he lives with me.

- Scott


  1. Man, you guys are nerdy/awesome. Don't ruin the book for me. There aren't any bookstores around here, so I haven't picked up my copy yet.

    But man, how cool are those glasses? Cool, cool glasses.

  2. Has anyone ever heard of a book series called, oh I don't know...HARRY POTTER?!

    Dude, because I totally have!

    Yes, I made the same comment on Rob's.

  3. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Sounds like a good time Scotty. I just got back into IL, so give me a call this week.

  4. Rin Tim Tim, you have NO idea how many times I've just about ruined the book for Rob. So I'll tell you. Four times. Each one was unintentional, I just wanted to strike up conversation about the shocking ending. Actually, I'm about to have a chat with my hot english teacher all about Harry Potter, the Half-Blood Prince, and the now defunct Knight to King theory. Women and Potter? Too good to be true.

    Hardog, love that you're back in town. I was worried that it was last week, but I rested assured that you would throw me a comment when it actually happened. Glad you did man. I'll make arrangements to hang out. (Arrangements meaning I'll make sure to Tivo my 'stories'.)

    Finally to the blogging public at large, I realized something. Something I've realized before. And that is that this blog isn't so much to act as an account of my goins-on, but to make fun of things. Time to get back to the fundamentals. So look forward to that.

    - Scott

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