Friday, October 22, 2004

Execu-bot #2 who only likes what he has seen before...

I don't know if anyone here has been watching the show right after Smallville on the WB. (One side note, the WB has done a complete 180. I remember when every show on it would play equally well on UPN. No longer, I guess that's just one more thing we stole from the blacks.) Anyway, the show is called The Mountain, and it features two brothers who run a mountain. I can 't imagine the amount of time they spent on that title. Literally hundreds of seconds.

In the promo's they call it "The O.C. meets Colorado" or some equally generic drivel. The thing is, they left out the other half of the show's make up. It's really "The O.C. in Colorado meets Wings" Let's take a look at the brothers who own the mountain and see if they remind us of anyone....

For the love of God, they even dress the same! Sadly, it goes beyond this. If one of the actors on the mountain were ever sick they could shuffle one of these jokers in and not miss a beat. The characters are basically the 21st century clones of the Wings Bros. The wild rebel brother who provides strategic comic relief, the straight laced brother who just can't imagine how his brother lives the way he does, and the two come together with the common goal of running the family buissness...Did they write this while they were drunk and missing Wings or
what? - Scott


  1. It is a crime against humanity that this post doesn't have a comment on it. Insanely clever, Scotty. But the fact that you made that connection is, I think, a little frightening.

  2. THANK YOU! I thought it was just me that got this one. A few of the (really bright) people at my school why I was putting pictures of guys up on my blog. (These are the same people who wear Babylon 5 Convention shirts to school).

    I really appreciate the comment. Totally makes my week. Or at the least for the next few hours. Took me forever to find, crop, resize and upload those pics too. But now that it has been observed it was all worth it. Thanks - Scott
