Saturday, February 03, 2007

Top V, Bottom V: Boston Officals Suck edition

Because it's time, and because Nessa can't get Loverboy's masterpiece out of her head, I'm moving on to this week (ok, let's face it month's) Top Five/Bottom Five.

Top 5

1.) Bostonian Aqua Teen promoters strike back. It's the only way to deal with the media; forcing them to become even more ridiculous mockeries of themselves. And honestly, it's what I would have done. I will say my presentation would have been better. If you don't know the story behind this one see the poorly written article in my bottom five.

2.) Can't put a price on honesty. Seriously. Good work Romania. I register all my pirated software under false identities, stolen from babies who died after birth. But you just walk right up to Willy Gates and say "hey, my entire country is running on the FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8 keycode that Scott knows by heart." Way to out me too, dick.

3.) Trouble talking dirty? Kate Winslet is here to help. Let me just say that Extras is perhaps the best comedy on television. After The Office (yes, American version. I've become enamoured of it even more than the British. Heresy, I know.)

4.) More everyday hacks. From the man who incorrectly applied the Coke machine hack, thereby completely bricking the OS, and requiring it to be sent back to factory (me), comes the link to the Coinstar machine hack. Free coin counting for the masses!

5.) Zeusdamn it! The Lords of Kobol are back, baby. Oh, and the Greek Orthodox Church is less than thrilled.

Bottom Five:

1.) Idiot's take on the ATHF promoters. Read this man's article and seethe with rage, it'll prepare you for the next two.

2.) Fox News Obama Coverage. There's two links there so Fox News and Obama Coverage go to two different stories. A shame that the video is gone from the first one (replaced with Bush smirking) but the transcript from that bullshit is still there. The second, hard hitting, relevant, fair and balanced piece is still there in it's entirety. Pure rage after watching these.

3.) Adam Curry. No link for this one, just the man himself. He was on This Week in Tech last week, and I have to say it. The man is a twat. Without further ado, he will be insulted by Stephen Colbert.

"The reasons why he sucks are many and, to be truthful, have been widely catalogued in the annals of the internet. So, with your indulgence, I'd like to focus instead on the intensity of his sucking.

Adam Curry is a worthless piece of shit. Fuck him. He is a taint, not just in the sense of a "stain on the podcast," but litterally a taint - the anatomical area between the anus and the testicles."
4.) The promised explanation. If you dropped down from the Top Five looking, here it is.

5.) Exxon, the bastards. This is obvious. But I needed five.

- Scott


  1. One note, the Kate Winslet clip came to me via Nessa. Props to her for that.

    - Scott

  2. there are many things about the top and bottom five this week that I adore. But I'm not going to tell you about them because I like to keep our relationship fresh and interesting.

    Instead, I'm going to tell you that the picture of Ms. Winslet that you have up makes her look like a domestic violence victim.

    Kiss kiss. Me.
