Monday, May 19, 2008

We're present, We like pheasant , Get used to it!

I'm tired of living like a stranger to my own feelings. I'm sick of the lies, the constant clearing my history on my computer. The incessant guilt I feel over lustful feelings. It's time I come out of the closet (or, birdhouse as the case may be...).

I'll be clear. On the one hand I like women. On the other hand, I like birds of prey. What I'm saying here is, put those hands together friend. And if you do, you'll come out with something like the following: Erotic Falconry.

I kid. My interests fall short of hot, cloaca on woman action. But I have to marvel at the human capacity to sexualize anything. For instance, do you fancy the idea of say... sensual guitar playing, naked in the shower? Then is for you. I think, because it sounds like easy blog posts, I shall investigate this phenomenon on a semi monthly basis.

Now, take a moment and reflect on how lucky you are if your sexual proclivities do not include /require birdwatching. Though to be fair to our orniphile friends, I'm starting to come (ahem), around. I mean, after all, Eagles are Awesome.


  1. I can't decide between choking the chicken or some bird flu pun?

    Or there's also the avian masochists and their love of yelling "Falcon Punch!"

  2. oh yeah, and they should have this song play on the website. Or a MIDI version, that'd be awesome....

    P.S. Did anyone realize how truly irritating that song is?

  3. Gods damn it. You made me laugh at an extremely nerdy joke. However, you can't discount that Captain Falcon has an almost tangible connection to Erotic Falconry.

    It makes me wonder about Falco. I mean, that's basically an Erotic Falconer's wet dream. As opposed to the artist Falco who's everyone's wet dream. Come on, you know you can't deny magic like "Der Kommissar."

    - Scott

  4. Wasn't Wetriffs started as the result of an xkcd comic?

    Ah yes, here it is:

  5. Indeed, but now I hate XKCD. So I didn't want to bring that up.

  6. To this day, they won't let me anywhere near the Great Horned Owls at the zoo.

    ...horns are sexy.

  7. Hate XKCD?!??!

    Give me your Geek Membership Card. HAND IT OVER NOW! Thou art banished!

  8. I'm keeping my Geek card. He surrendered HIS. He hasn't done a really good tech comic in about eight months. Now it's all:

    "Blah blah blah. Effeminate Male. Whine whine whine. Girl power. Blah blah blah. Be nice to girls on the internet. Blah Blah Blah. Oooh look at my super ironic shitty drawings."

    He's so emo these days. He's got full blown pus-itis. Not quite as bad as Jeph Jacques, but still. Horrible.

  9. Not tech?? I'm sorry, I didn't realize that Friday's comic about Debian-Security Holes was intended for the general public. Also yesterdays about adding "Except in bed" to the end of fortune cookies was hilarious. (vast improvement over "in bed").

    For shame!
