Friday, December 16, 2005

W.A.D.W.U.S. Vol 1, First Edition.

Today's post is to be the first of many entries into the WADWUS. That's an acronym. It stands for "Wicked Awesome Directory of Words Used by Scott". It was originally going to be the more flowing "Wicked Awesome Directory of Words Scott Uses" but that doesn't spell anything. Nothing useful like WADWUS anyway. So let's get down to the bread and butter of the WADWUS directory: words I use.

  • 1995: The default date for something old. For instance "Wow, what an edgy guy... for 1995!" or "Nice taste in music Jacob, what is this, 1995?"
  • 8: Arbitrary number. Used in a similar fashion to 1995, except this denotes ridiculous understatement. For instance: "Dude have you heard of the Carribean? There's like eight islands there." or "Man did you see Goblet of Fire? There were like eight wizards in that movie!" Always said in an excited manner.
  • Boobs: Also said in an excited manner, but in so far as the the WADWUS goes just something I like to write in the margins of borrowed books and on computer keyboards at RMC. I also spent an entire class period one day in Cisco writing various obscenities with a label maker. It's a recurring theme in my school work. Often times I try to spell it down one side of a paper connecting every first letter in the line.
  • Mesa: As used by me, not an elevated rocky plateau, but a measure of magnitude. For instance, "That was some mesa bad food poisoning. I thought I was going to crap out my skeleton." In the metric system mesa comes after yotta.
  • Hilariculous: A term for use when a situation is both hilarious and ridiculous and that's just too many -ous's to not sound dumb. Plus with the sheer amount of time you save you could easily comment on my word skillz. I created this one.
  • Plusdick: Also one I created though not a word I use very often as it's actually the nickname of a friend of mine. His real name is Tyler Adcock. But I thought Adcock was just a little plain for my tastes. So doing some quick mental math utilizing the transitive property Add Cock became Plus Dick. The scientific formula looks like this: (+ 8=======>) = (+ 8======>). And you thought you'd never use algebra.
Of course there are many I left out. But this is only volume one, I think you have quite enough to study as it is. If I left out any Scott-isms feel free to remind me. I'm just so prolific it's hard to do myself justice.

That's all I have in me for tonight. Merry Christmas kids.

- Scott


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    So now I know why the label maker is ALWAYS out of damn labels everytime I go to use it.


  2. Anonymous11:12 AM



  3. Funny. Funny AND enlightening. Also, instructors commenting on blogs - creepy?

  4. not "Professor"? Ouch.

  5. In order,

    Instructor - yes that's why. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle. The other half is finding the label maker before I do.

    Tim - maybe for some instructors. This one's legit, he created an internship for me that consists of playing video games with high school students each week. So if he wants to comment I don't mind.

    Jakey - Just on his license plate. Apparently we're not big on honorifics at our school.
