Monday, December 12, 2005

The Secret to Motivation

I am so checked out right now. As a rule, I think that only people who are clossal tools use the word senioritis, so I won't. But I relate to the concept, so I henceforth rename it: this-week-next-time-I'll-be-on-a-nice-warm-island-blissfully-sipping-an-alcoholic-beverage-itis. As a result, nothing will be getting done this week. Or so I thought just a few scant hours ago. Then I stumbled upon a revolutionary epiphany that may well rock the very foundation of our very society. Here it very is: if you want to feel motivated to do something, find someone who can't do it. Then proceed to remind yourself how lucky you are by flaunting your ability to do simple tasks. (It's better if you do it out of their sight. Not for your motivation, just your what's the thing... oh, soul.) It's horrible I know. But it came to me as I was trying to get about eight things done and ignoring all of them to chill in the recliner and watch some TV. Flipping through channels I landed on The 750 Pound Man (at first I thought it was a beanbag). Out of sheer, morbid curiosity I decided to watch.

When they got into his relatively normal back story of simply being a lazy, lazy bastard it terrified me. I'm a lazy bastard! I can't let all this go and live like that! And instantly got up and cleaned my house, did 50 situps (which burned... burned so good), and pounded out three homework assignments. And now a blog post. I'm seriously impressed at the resolve right now. I think I've been scared straight. Don't get me wrong I feel bad for the guy, but somehow someone go through physical therapy to be able to more easily scratch themselves in bed makes me feel like an Olympian for flipping over the end of my couch into a 9.5 point TV watching sprawl. Not to mention how comparitively ripped I look next to this guy. You could bounce a quarter off my knee. Can he say that? I think not. Now, if you'll excuse me I think I'm going to go lift some baskets of laundry all the way over my head!

- Scott

P.S. What are the odds that during this season of loving and togetherness both Tim and I would have darker than average posts?
P.P.S. The ship I'm going to be sailing on over this holiday season, the ms Westerdam, has an internet cafe. So expect regular reports of how much better my day is going than yours.


  1. Motivation? Oh yeah, that Final that's due in 6 hours that I haven't really started yet... Hmmm...

    Time to take a shower...

  2. Talking about being motivated by a really fat guy is "darker than average" for you? I'd say it's pretty much par for the course.

    A cruise? You lame-o. You better spend most of your time in the casino and then tell me all about it. Put it all on red for me. Also, hit on 17 for me. Finally, double down. Always.

  3. Hit on 17? Wow isn't that a little old for you? (sorry, obligatory)

    As far as the cruise you'll know when I'm on it because that little GPS Earth on my side bar will show a blip in the Carribean. That'll roughly show my locale while I'm hitting on the fine fine Jewish women. I assume they're Jewish. Who goes on a cruise on Christmas? The Jews, that's who.

    - Scott

  4. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Uh, i'm really not sure why I haven't been invited on this cruise....

    And also why I've been knocked out of the top five. Are you trying to tell me something, Scott?


  5. Keri, the top five is a "what have you done for me lately" type of organization. I'm not saying you have to jump through hoops to get onto it. Not at all. No. I wouldn't want that. That's ridiculous.

    - Scott

    (Flaming hoops are better.)
