Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Movin' up in the world.

I'm a fan of stereotypes. This is not, necessarily, to say that I'm a bad person. I just like to look at the elements that make up a person's life and come to a conclusion about them based solely on that information. This doesn't always appear to be accurate, but it almost always contains a few grains of truth.

For instance, until I was kindly and nicely thrown out of my last job, I was driving this:

Little acknowledged fact: Driving this car automatically signs you up for the AARP newsletter.

Sometimes when I drove this car I even smoked a pipe. And complained about the music the kids listen to. As a result of my car and my habits, I was demographically an old man in all but age and sex appeal. But as I said I got fired, and had a little quarter life crisis. I ditched the firm, wore flip flops and bought a new car (the wisest financial strategy when you have no income.)

Behold: Tom.

That's right. It's a Celica... named Tom. If you still don't get it, mouse-over for a hint.

New car, new license plate (ALT TAB), and a distinct lack of old person-osity. So now I skew young, irresponsible, wildly good looking, and nerdy. I believe that with time, I can live with this.

Another quick one to prove the theory:

My brother used to drive an old Dodge Ram, chew tobacco, and drink keystone. He was, demographically, a rural Midwestern college student. And probably a farmer.

But recently, he's taken out a loan to buy a motorcycle. He smokes menthol cigarettes, and he drinks malt liquor. My brother has become an inner city black man. Q.E.D. The theory works.


  1. ALT-TAB?! For real? You're a parody of yourself.

  2. ALT-TAB? Get f'n serious.

    ALT space TAB.

  3. During your quarter life crisis, did you wear a sportcoat with a turtleneck and blue jeans as well?

  4. Yes, I also managed to find a pair of penny loafers and wore them with NO SOCKS.

  5. Anonymous11:58 AM

    You, sir, owe me a pair of pants thanks to the mouse over Sellick moustache.

  6. Very nice. My best friend in high school drove a car very similiar to your old one until she wrecked it...or wait, was that the guy she hooked up with on prom night? Anywho, not the point. Love the Selleck mustache. Can I call you Higgins?

  7. dammit. blogger ruined it for me. The picture came in with the 'stache. Stylish, and easy on the environment. Nicely done.

  8. Anonymous5:50 AM

    So how does it go? I mean, they look fast, but could you win money with it? I'm fully aware that the old Celicas are fast, but I don't know anything one way or the other about the new ones. Except that they look like Magnum PI.

  9. H, yeah there are two types of people who drive the seventh gen Celica: girls whose fathers bought them a new one on their 16th birthday, and guys who bought the car from them after their dads buy them new ones.

    And you can call me Higgins when I can call you Eliza.

    Johnny Virgil, Blogger is vindictive like that. I saw him outside a Borders before the Harry Potter release with a megaphone shouting out who dies.

    Alan, it goes. Sadly it's slower than the sixth gen Celica in the low end. From about 45-100 it has all the acceleration I need, but 0-30 feels like old people pushing behind the car.

    It's annoying, but then I remind myself that the motor is only slightly larger than the one on my moped and I get 35 miles per gallon. And if that doesn't work I just floor it and leave any nearby Rascal Scooters in my dust.

    - Scott

  10. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Looks like a nice upgrade. Nicely done Scotty.
