Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Bringing balance to the Force world

I'm nothing if not a crusader against social injustices. Ask my friends. Every last one of them will tell you how I toil away every spare minute looking out for the less fortunate. Most of these things I've done subconsciously. So subconsciously in fact, that upon reflection I realize that if you asked those friends again they'd probably have no examples to give you. So in the interest of helping out a decent man (me) I'll give a few examples of the small ways I bring balance to the universe.

  1. Ogling modestly dressed women. This includes Mennonites. I stare at every inch of hair escaping their bonnets, just so they know that it's working overall. I mean, 90% of their hair is still hidden, and therefore not lusted after.

    Ask yourself, if I didn't slow my car down as I pass them, obviously leering at every curve those potato sack dresses betray... how would they know they need to go out of their way to avoid inciting lustful thoughts? Really I'm doing them a favor.

  2. Tipping the homely waitress better than average. This is a result of fighting my instinct to tip the pretty girl better. But why? It's not like she's going to have any more sex with me as a result. (Usually we've already hit our limit.)

    I have to speculate that the cumulative effect of this works out in favor of the pretty girl, so still I press on. As a side benefit, when you do tip a homely waitress better, you're more likely to get special attention next time.

  3. Crossing the street to avoid well dressed, white businessmen. Anyone can feel leery of a dirty, panhandling bum as they pass him on an empty street at night. But it takes real Social Robin Hooding to religiously avoid the relatively clean, aloof banker. Deal with that, Person Not Asking Me for a Handout!

    Sadly, his method is ineffective against Jehovah's Witnesses on college campuses. You can cross the street away from them, but they've set up a staggered net pattern. And you are going to have a little green bible whether you want one or not.
I'm sure I'm not alone. I may be the Mother Teresa of the movement, but I'm sure there's a few priests in the closet out there. What I mean is...

Let's hear your examples.


  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    you suck!

  2. Thank you Anonymous. It's clear I've reached you.

    If there's a message, an overarching theme to The Wonder Blog, it's certainly offending people.Your poorly capitalized declaration is like a finish line for me... no, it's a banner. And that banner says "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED."

    Hats off to you.

    - Scott

  3. Looks like you've pissed off the Mennonites one too many times. Prepare to be smited.

  4. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Hey anonymous: if you are going to pour out ridicule (of a very weak nature might I add), you might want to have the decency to identify yourself. Otherwise, you just look...well...kind of sad.

  5. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Timmy Tapewor wut u say lolz

  6. I like the cut of this guy's jib.

  7. It is AWESOME that just after I got spammed, you got spammed. I'm glad that anonymous posters everywhere don't just have a thing against big talking dogs.


    I've got your back, is what I'm saying.
