Monday, April 23, 2007

Slaughterhouse top Five bottom Five

That's probably what Vonnegut was referring to in his title. I mean, you could ask him, but you'd have to be unstuck in time. And that's probably worse than taking me at my word (depending on whom you ask).

Anyway I had a real post for The Wonder Blog, but I then promised a fellow guild member that I would post on my other blog today. So instead, I'll take care of this little bit of housekeeping.

Top Five of the Week:

1.) Sixty things worth shortening you life for. Because I have an unhealthy love for unhealthy loves.

2.) An accurate recording of how I play video games. It's funny because it's painfully, painfully true. (Question: just what the hell kind of accent is that?)

3.) Good news! The devil made the VT shootings happen. Now we can all relax and stop all that worrying thinking that accompanies tragedies. Note: on the top five only because it made me laugh so hard.

4.) Oklahoma declares watermelon state vegetable. To-may-to/re-tard-o.

5.) Oh no! Somebody set us up the bomb! And the shame here is that the network still exists.

Bottom Five:

1.) This copying asshole. Didn't I do this weeks ago? Then, just afterwards, a Boing-Boing mention and a Digg article? What did the internet just find out because I mentioned it? The StealthSwitch has existed for at least two years. What the hell internet?

2.) New Electronic Talking Battleship Big Brother. Now with riboflavin!

3.) The collected works of the VT Shooter. I in no way make light of the act itself. It was a terrible, vile thing to do and my condolences go out to all those affected. But I think we all need to look at the silver lining here; he can't write any more of these horribly bad one act plays. Seriously.

4.) Remember Galactus? The giant planet eating alien from Fantastic Four comics? Yeah, now he's a cloud. Lame.

5.) Hot Fuzz getting screwed out of theaters. Damn it, a good movie only gets seen on DVD but shit like Are We Done Yet? gets 300,000 screens?


  1. Clean up your links, sir. #5 on your top list is broken and #2 and #3 on the bottom are the same. Come on. Robert Morris trained you better than that.

    Shame about Galactus, though. He'll have a hard time devouring planets now that he's just condensed water vapor.

  2. Yeah, I did it in the midst of playing WoW with Rob and receiving a bunch of work-related calls. The annoyances of WoW-ing at work. All the links are correct and functional at this point.

    I should note, however, that I knew HTML years before I went to RMC.

    And seriously, I'm going to edit myself in a purple spandex jumpsuit into the movie over the Galactus scenes when I get my hands on the footage.

  3. First off, you said "Guild Member" on your blog in the public, non-WoW sphere. That's not allowed, or did you miss the memo.

    Secondly, Great post. Really random and informative. Its a good thing I don't check Digg ever or I may have already seen everyone of those.

    Wait a tick...

  4. Rob, I've gone over to our good friend Hulk's camp of hating you. We're getting shirts and rings. It's a whole society, filled with most of the people who've met you.


    The Rob Haters.

  5. One could say that I am pleased with such developments.

    Fuck you Rob.

  6. Say what you will, but are there clubs formed for either one of you two? I think not. (Scott the "Really Hot Girls Who Love Scott" club that you founded and registered yourself doesn't count).

    I consider this a win.
