Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Crush of the... Past?

Since entering corporate America, I've had little time to do the things I enjoy. Including developing new and intriguing crushes of the week. Fortunately I have what some would call a vault, and what the less couth might refer to as a "spank bank," of old crushes. But just because they're old, don't think they've gone bad. Most of these are still girls I still harbor crush-esque feeling towards, and one of these is the subject of today's post.

*doodley-do underwater music and a gradual fade to the wavy lines*

Crush of the Past:

The year was 2001. Disappointingly no Space Odyssey occurred, but I was a sophomore in high school and I had other things on my mind. Things like women. Frustratingly, the women on my mind were either fictitious (damn you, Rory Gilmore), married (damn you, Senora Wood*), or simply unattainable (damn you, my then-developing irresistible charm). Some have argued that all of these women were unattainable. These people are jealous of my now-fully-operational irresistible charm**.

But the girl in question fell in to the last category. Her name was... wait, I'm breaking with tradition. Might as well do this properly.

Her name: Laurel Shaffer.

Why she is (or was) crush worthy: A band called The Hippos once sang "Something in the way she never looks my way / I'm in love, I'm in lo-oh-ove." This was pretty much the case. As you might have noticed, I tend to attract a lot of attention. And not only for being so good looking. I'm also frequently at the center of lots of people laughing. With me or at me, either way they're entertained. She was never one of these people. And that intrigued me. She was aloof to the point of ignoring me, but it never came off snotty; it only made me try harder***. I think that was the quality I liked best.

Oh, she was also pretty hot. That factored in as well.

Bonus Material?: I often embed some YouTube link of the crush doing something adorable. There is no such material to offer in this case. She's currently working as an actress, she was even in a Clearasil ad that I'm sure you've seen, but there's not jack-all-squat out there for me to post. Hence, I'm forced to construct her visage by collaging. Here goes:

After several hours of fierce Photoshopping, this is the final product.

Basically I discovered an equation for Laurel rather than being able to accurately reproduce her. The hair, eyes, and head shape of Fiona Apple + the soft expression of Amanda Seyfried - any implication of ridiculously full lips = A rough approximation of this week's Crush o' the Past.

If anyone has a better effort, he is welcome to submit it.

* Senora, if you still read my blog, I'm mostly joking. Though a guy could do much worse.
** It became much easier once I found that watch with +8 Charisma.
*** I did finally get her to laugh when I was auditioning for improv teams. At which point I could have died happily.


  1. Just to prove to you that I really don't like reading long entries.... let me explain to you what I did when I saw your post.

    1. Saw the crush of the week and scrolled through
    2. Did not look for a name
    3. Immediately looked for the picture
    4. Was confused by the picture, thought it was some scheme so everyone could guess who the crush of the week was
    5. Read a few words and then quit
    6. Found the girl's name
    7. Copied and pasted it into google
    8. Was confused when her name didn't show up
    9. Tried google one more time
    10. Frustration
    11. Went back to your blog and actually read it
    12. "oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

  2. All part of the conspiracy to get you to read longer postings. Just as Tim ponders how he can infuriate you, I try to arrange my posts so that you're forced to read them. It's all part of my larger plan...

    1. Force Rowela to read my posts
    2. ????
    3. Profit!

  3. I have to say, that's a pretty accurate diagram.

  4. Oh my goodness... So much to say and so little motivation to type.

    1) Rowela... I... (nevermind)

    2) I tore through all the photos I had here in Springfield in hopes of finding pictures for you. I went to like Prom or Homecoming with Laurel. And yes we did it.

    3) Scott I never knew you were obsessed with Laurel, you should have called on a cousin. I could have given you the hookup.

    4) Alright, I lied about the doing it part.

  5. Jakey, thanks. I'd hoped it would turn out that way. After the hours spent on it.


    1) I like that in response to hating long posts, she writes a long comment. (In fact, her other comment on Tim's blog is longer than any three of his posts.)

    2) I briefly misread that as Porn or Homecoming, then was disappointed.

    3) I am (or was) no more obsessed with her than any other Crush of the Week. With the exception of the time it was a girl I was dating.

    4) Chump.

  6. Really? Laurel Shaffer?

    Wow. I

    I'm going to need some time on this one.

  7. Rebecca, I assume Tim's told you about her. I also assume this is Tim's Rebecca.

    Regardless, say what you will of her, she did have allure.

  8. Actually, on further reflection, it was probably Tim posting that, not realizing that Rebecca had signed in to Gmail on his computer.

    That's my new working theory.

  9. I don't know the girl, but I can totally get behind her disembodied lips. I see the allure in the formula.

  10. Theory proven. My bad. Oh Blogger. Your new relationship with Google is confusing and awkward.
