Monday, April 30, 2007

I want some damn credit.

I was just reading Tim's blog today, specifically this post when I came upon the following passage.

I was really honored to be chosed to play in the CIF show with MadTV's Frank Caeti*...

[other crap omitted]

*Super nice guy.
I've already expounded on the hilarious results of Tim's education at the hands of the public school system in the comments of his post. So if you'd like to make fun of his Jed Clamp-onics, that's the place to do it.

But what really struck me was the "super nice guy" portion. Let me tell you, I'm sick and tired of every time somebody meets some damned celebrity (even minor celebrity) they go on and on about what a "nice guy" they are. Well of course they're nice guys. You're lavishing them with attention, deference, and respect. Treat any asshole on the street like that, and suddenly, OH MY GOD! he'll seem like a really nice guy too.

I'll give you that without a certain amount of decency, they wouldn't have gotten as far as they did (we're back to talking about celebrities here). So naturally, they know how to shake a few hands and squeeze a few asses on the down-low, but this does not account for the lavish praise people heap upon them. All these sons of bitches have to do to get the "nice guy" status is not punch you in the face and break your camera.

I make a point of taking pictures of myself with your camera, often even without your asking me to, and I've never punched (most of) you in the face.

All I'm saying is that all you assholes should make a point of what a nice guy I am. Preferably in writing.

That is all.

Editors note: I later realized I didn't make it clear that I wasn't really talking about Tim in this post, but the experience of meeting celebrities in general. Usually by people more interested in the idea of their fame than the talents (if any) that brought them there. Except the part about "chosed" that was about him.


  1. This coming from the boy who made a Hate Club against me...

    Not nice.

  2. Couldn't disagree more. There were quite a few celebs in town for CIF. Some are assholes and it's readily apparent. Others are genuinely nice people. It's pretty simple.

    Also, making fun of typos is less than creative, Scotty. You're better than that.

  3. Rob, I did NOT create a hate club against you. I joined one.

    Timmy, but of course there are obvious exceptions (BOCTAOE). I knew that when I posted. However, I prefer to hear about which guys are truly assholes, as opposed to the more commonplace "he's so nice in person!"

    As far as making fun of typos goes, you should see me when I'm correcting the whole of World of Warcraft on grammar.

    But I agree... I am better than that.

  4. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Upon reading this post, let me just say that I agree with Tim on the apparent nature. In my defense (because I know I have been known to say that), the ones I mention as nice are ones that struck me as truly genuine and not the fake nice. There is a definite difference and it is VERY easy to determine which is which, especially in Hollywood, the ego stroking capital of the nation.

    The thing is, I know it is a lot more fun to hear the not so positive stories, but me telling said not so positive stories would be... well... dangerous considering I am not seeing them randomly on the street but at work.

    You never know who will see it and I could possibly get in trouble for it and that is why I have not posted said stories. If you want to hear those, we will have to chat about them via IM...or wait until I wuit my job. OK?

  5. Anonymous10:46 AM

    wuit should be quit. stupid typo.

  6. J Fi, it's ok we all make typing mistakes from time to time. And you have mentioned not-so-positive things about stars. Especially those on the wane. I found them delicious; I feast upon them like a vampire at the neck of an Eastern European girl. Sure, it's a little dirty, but I'll take what I can get.

    My issue with people liking celebrities is that they're predisposed to. And I rail against all things expected.

    The highest praise I think (for a celebrity of the same gender) should be:

    "He's just this guy... you know?"

    - Scott
