Sunday, September 16, 2007

Crush of the Week: Hall of Fame Edition

This week's1 Crush of the Week: Jenna Fischer.

Why she's earned it: Jenna's has had a bit of a rough year. The first major snafu that happened was, she fell down a marble staircase and broke her back. And let's face it; that sucks. That sucks a lot. Fortunately she didn't lose any, you know, walking ability. But still. She broke her fucking back. She deserves her due props just for looking great despite spinal injury.

The next major shit-storm to hit Port Jenna was that she and her husband separated. And although you might think that would make me happy, it actually doesn't. Because she's a sweet, charming girl and the separation2 has to be as painful as breaking her back. If not more so.

Bonus Materials: Jenna is a special kind of girl. She's beautiful in a way that vacillates between "girl-next-door-wholesome-hot" and "holy-shit-does-she-clean-up-well-no-holds-barred-gorgeous." It's hard to switch hit both of those. Meg Ryan has been trying to break into the latter category for years. And the result was In the Cut. Clearly it's a dangerous void to attempt crossing.

But what makes Jenna truly special is her ability to play tongue-in-cheek serious to the limits of the form. The moment I heard her say, dry as a Bounce Sheet, "it's an epidemic," I knew she was Crush of the Week material3.

And so, I deluge you with a shower of Jenna.

First enjoy her photo to the right. Possibly enjoy it for several months, or until I feel like changing it.

Second, give her appearance on Loveline a listen. It makes for a great distraction while you're driving. And even better; it's conclusive proof that she can actually have a conversation. Take that, legion of vapid, boring actresses. Score another for Jenna.

Finally, there is the below. I usually don't go for this kind of video. It's too emotional, too sad, and I generally don't like to focus on the breakup part of a relationship4. But she's in it, she's great, and it's grown on me. Just one more example of my seeing what might be dodgy (*ahem* Blades of Glory *ahem*) on the sole basis of her involvement.

So Jenna, I know you've had a rough year. But you know how I feel, and you're the Crush of the Week. Things are looking up.

The ball's in your court now.

- Scott

1 And who am I kidding, probably this year's Crush of the Week as well, at the rate I remember to update this damn segment.
2 I can't fully appreciate the sheer metric-crap-ton of hurt that must bring, but I can tell you that it hurts me to write about it. Literally. I hurt my hand earlier today and hitting CTRL+TAB to see the correct spelling of the word "separation" each time is killing me. I'm self-medicating with beer and Tylenol.
3 Despite not creating the segment for another two years.
4 Exception: Brooks & Dunn - Neon Moon. There is no funnier song to belt out when you're pathetically drunk.


  1. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Ok, I can't repeat what I said when I first clicked on the "Crush..." photo. I have to know, where did you get the "Sulty" edition of Jenna? I must know if there are more!

    - Anonymous Rex
    (Yes, it has been a long time since I posted a comment. This photo was enough to make type something, which is quite an achievement as I am quite lazy.)

  2. First off, I read the line as:
    And so, I deluge you with a shower "with" Jenna. and I was like: wait, what?

    Secondly. I love Jenna, I feel like since she is one of my best friend's husband's Cousin that she's like my own cousin. Or at least like my husband's cousin. So I feel like I can say this with air of positive critisim... Even Jenna couldn't save that music video. And now I have to have Rowela drive me to the hospital to remove the forks from my eyes and turkey baster from my ears.

  3. I feel bad because I always just refer to her as "Pam" and never make the actual effort to remember her real name, but I have kind of a girl crush on Jenna. Not like my Sienna Miller girl crush -- the girl crush where I want to be friends with her so she can take me shopping and I can steal things from her closet -- but the kind of girl crush where I think "Oh, this girl is really sweet. She'd be the kind of friend I could tell all my secrets to."

    Also, I thought Blades of Glory was pretty damn hilarious.

  4. You people are awake damned early in the morning. Seriously.

    Anonymous Rex, that's why she's alternately sweet OR sultry. Only the people who click through will get it. But oh, what a prize. Anyway, that's from Blades of Glory. I think we can guarantee a few more rentals as a result.

    Rob, there comes a point where Dad can't take a bath with the kids anymore. For instance, I can't take a bath with Jenna. No matter how much I might want to.

    < /Michael Scott>

    Also, being that I'm your cousin, this doesn't make me faux-related to her does it? Because I've been down that path, and it ends badly.

    Local H, feel bad. I COMMAND IT! Now feel better, because I still call Darius Rucker "Hootie." Jenna Fischer. It's not too bad. Phonetic, straightforward, easily pronounced. Compare that to Portia de Rossi. I took an intro to Italian before I mastered that name.

    As far as Blades of Glory I wouldn't have seen it without Jenna in it, but she lured me in and it was better than I'd expected. So she's basically the opposite of the sirens who lure ships to the rocks. She's a siren who lures wildly attractive men to Will Farrel movies.

  5. I'm unashamed to admit it - "sulty" Jenna is now the wallpaper on my Mac.

  6. Anonymous10:12 AM

    "Sultry". Please forgive the mistake. Damn, that aggravates me that I had to have a typo in my comment and I can't edit it. Hey, it was 3:30 in the morning. Besides, it just shows I am to lazy to run spell-checking.

    Thanks for the info on "Blades of Glory". Obviously, I have not seen it. But, now I MUST rent it or go the cheap route and check it out from the library.

    - Anonymous Rex

  7. Poor, sweet Jenna Fischer. I was so sad to hear about her and her husband. And then I felt bad about feeling sad, because after that, it's a few short steps to picking up US Weekly in the checkout line.

    But did you see the bit she taped for Steve Carell's Emmy presentation?

    "For what, biggest rack on the show?"

