Monday, March 26, 2007

How To: Defeat Internet Censorship

There's two ways. You can try the Stupid Censorship site (which works about half the time), or you can go with a more permanent solution: your own Circumventor.

Circumventor is a program you install on your home computer. It creates a website that you can connect to from work. When you're at work, you go to your Circumventor site which uses your home computer and internet connection to load the pages you want to see. It gets around all internet censorship.

It's ridiculously easy to set up, and I'll make it even easier. Do the following (links are direct downloads):

  1. Download Active Perl. Allow it to install itself to the C:\ drive (the default.) Go with the default options.
  2. Download Open SA. Same deal, use all the default options, don't change anything.
  3. Finally, download the Circumventor. When you run this, it'll show a whole hell of screens and prompts. You can ignore them. (With the exception of one where you have to click "OK.") At the end you should see a browser window pop up and tell you that it's ready. It will also tell you the address for your Circumventor.
Then you should be up and running. Your Circumventor will run as long as your computer is up and you have an internet connection. Occasionally Peace Fire (the organization who created Circumventor) will send traffic (usually people in China who can't connect to the internet without it) your way. If this bothers you when you're not using it from work, just close the program.

If you're a Wonder Blog reader and you need some help with this, just shoot me a comment with an email address where we can discuss it.

- Scott

Fightin' the Man since 1985.

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