Friday, June 02, 2006

It ain't a city in China...

Today, I'd like to revisit something I touched on once, ever so breifly. The subject of tipping. Not at a restaurant, although I believe the Third Rock from the Sun method definitely is an improvement. For those not familiar the TRFTS method consists of piling up the potential tip on the corner of the table. Letting the waiter/waitress see the tip, and explain to them that over the course of the night, that pile will either be added to or subtracted from based on the quality of service and in general how much we like you. It's brilliant. Provides instaneous feedback, rather than leaving the actor/writer, I'm sorry waiter, to wonder where he went wrong.

But that's not what I mean. And until it's a widely accepted social institution, don't do that. I've had nothing but... shall we say, less than amicable experiences with it. And food that tasted distinctly like spit. What I mean today, I've once I alluded to this once before in a brief comment. But I've since refined the concept.

Basically, I think a small amount of money should change hands when somebody does something you like. For instance, Megan recently revealed that she played through The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Upon hearing this revelation I was overcome with a strong desire to give her six dollars. I don't know why. Sure, my opinion of her shot up, and therefore she has attained a higher position in the world overall. But without that six dollars I felt that something was missing.

This has come up several times, different people, different reasonings. But when it comes down to it, I just want to go that extra mile. Repurposing an old social convention for my own amusement. It should really catch on. There's only two caveats:

  1. The maximum amount of money should be seven dollars. To me this feels like more money than even eight dollars. Maybe even ten. Could be because it's a prime number. Could be because I like the word "seven". So it's really a 1-7 scale. But don't get too hung up on the actual amount. It's really just a gesture. But if you want to really go for it, 7 is pretty money.
  2. For the equally important reasoning that it might make her feel cheep and prostitution laws, I suggest keeping away from this concept in man/woman relations. Or woman/woman relations. I'd throw the guys in here too, but really, dudes just like money.
Have fun. And get some ones.

- Scott

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:07 AM

    scott, you owe me like a million dollars.

    and that doesn't even count the child support.

