Monday, July 02, 2007

I have a dream!

I have a dream, my brothers and sisters. In fact, I have a few per night*.

Recently I had a dream that I could fly. I also had a dream that I could use chopsticks. And let me tell you, that one was way more satisfying. It was also way more depressing to wake up from.

I can accept not being able to fly, but suddenly not being able to do something mundane like chopstikery... unacceptable.

What I'm saying is that there's a reason for the saying "if you're going to dream, dream big." Heed my warning.

- Scott

*Take that Junior.

1 comment:

  1. Damn you chopstick dream! You're even a shitty blog topic!

    (Though it should be noted I wrote this post in the meeting that wouldn't end. Between the patrols of those getting up and walking around as they spoke, so it succeeded on that level.)
