Wednesday, May 09, 2007

When your Patron Saint is Jim Halpert...

If I could be thought of as the equivalent of my office's Jim Halpert, then another employee who we'll call "Jeff" because it's his name, would certainly be Dwight Schrute. I've played a few practical jokes on him. Once I hid under the raised floor for 15 minutes, patiently waiting for a text message from Jimmy that would give me the heads up to... well pop my head up. Another time I called the "bat phone" (which was presumed to be disconnected) and as a fictitious VP, frantically described a smoke alarm I was seeing.

But what I think makes for the best pranks, are those you don't have to be present for. Without further ado, today's chicanery:

My phone ran out of memory, so here's a better look at what Jeff will see at 2 AM when he tries to open that (essential) program. Oh, and I turned the speakers up to full volume.

I love the corporate world.


  1. AHHH!!! Snake...snAKE... SNAKE!!!!

  2. I actually prefer the Christmas version:

    Chriiiist, it's the Chriiiist, ohhh, it's the Chriiiiist!

  3. Anonymous9:03 AM

    You are indeed entirely nefarious, but I'm with Jake. I prefer the Christmas version.

  4. I hadn't seen the Christmas version, but I'd still have gone with the Badger Badger Badger original. I just can't stand that stuff out of season. Anachronism drives me mad.

    For my caper today: a speeding ticket. Apparently it's illegal to go 80 in a 65. They should really post signs or something.

    - Scott

  5. I wish like heck that someone would surprise ME with dancing badgers on my workspace.Damn these un-creative hypodrones I'm forced to spend my days with!

    You're also not allowed to drive 40 in a 35....according to the Alton schmuck who got me last year.

  6. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Mushroom! Mushroooooom!
