Thursday, July 27, 2006

Vengence is mine sayeth the sticker.

I'm not a generally vengeful person. In fact at times I've been known to shrug off the kinds of things people fully expect me to exact retribution for. In my mind it's all just a big game of sorts. No sense in getting angry over too much (though there are certain exceptions). In fact, one such exception is parking. I can't stand it when people park their cars like a-holes. And I always get even.

For instance, take a look at this site. All of these people deserve to know that they park like idiots. The guy I nailed below perhaps didn't. Rob at least contests that the issue was more with my car's ability to turn. However he crossed me at just the wrong time, and so he got his. And he was crowding the remaining spot. Would it have killed him to straighten his hoopty so that I could actually walk around the back of my car without getting pinched between the two?

The word I would use to describe such an act is "liberating".

I was nice enough to blur the guy's license plate. There's really no need for anyone else to take issue with him. I looked in his car and wondered what I could do to him that life hasn't already. Then I remembered I had a very convienent bumpersticker in my glovebox. I suggest everyone purchases a few. They've changed my life.

But that's just one (sexy, marvelous, resplendant) man's opinion.

- Scott


  1. Anonymous3:54 PM

    where do i get those bumper stickers. here in los angeles, i could go through so many of makes me happy just thinking about it...heh!

  2. J Fi, you can get the stickers at

    They're fairly cheap at $0.50 a pop for the cheapest pack, and some other lesser amount per bumpersticker for the more expensive packs. They're "low tack" so they don't stick too firmly to things. Well... it won't take a razor to get it off at least.

    - Scott
